"I said, Miss Yi, how can you have so little confidence in yourself?"

His whispering in her ear, numb crisp, seems to be blooming peach trees, each flower is a restless heart.

"That day, in full view of the public, you, a small reporter disguised as you, could be so confident and elated as to ask me questions, and the questions you asked were just to smash the stage. Now it's so modest, so low-key, it's not like you! "

"Is that what you hate about it?" Try not to look at his toes, to see her teeth.

Tell yourself that you can't give in to his charm. Although he is a man who can make 99.9% of the women in the world fall, she has to be the 0.001% one!

Only because other women only saw his shape, but they saw his bones, his God.

She knows that even if he looks perfect, gentle, smiling genially, gentle as the wind, he is like a banished immortal. In the deepest part of his heart, he is selfish, considerate, vindictive and ruthless.

She comforted herself that he was just an ordinary man, and he was not worth losing!

Ouyang seemed to understand her thoughts. Her fingers gently ran across her neck, her temples, and the skin behind her neck. She said: "little thing, what are you doing to annoy me? I have already checked that you are only an adopted child, and your adoptive parents are not very good to you. They are not poor people in a city, they are just reasonable small upstarts. Do you think you can fight me with such a backstage? "

"You -" she really did not expect that he would hate to investigate her background and background, and even mention the adoptive parents.

This is ridiculous!

He is so busy, so many contracts to be signed and important things to be done. How could he spend so much time and make such an unbearable investigation for himself?

Anger made her pretty face hot: "you - you are so mean -"

"Oh? Mean? The last time you said I was hypocritical, this time you said I was mean. Come on, if you have any good words, you can send them together and I'll take them all. "

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