He looked at the attachment eyes, he wanted to let his eyes to her to express, this moment, she is the most important in her heart, no one more important than her!

He loves her, to let her know, he is not only when she is a plaything, but also not a warm bed tool, she wants to be a decent woman around him!

"First thing, young master, Zhongchuan died some days ago," he said

"Zhongchuan?" Ouyang is slightly Leng, this name is strange at a time.

"Yes, young master, it seems that you have been away from Japan for a long time, and have forgotten who Nakagawa is? Although it is a good thing, it is

The sound of the bridge sounded, Ouyang suddenly remembered who Zhongchuan was.

At this moment, his eyebrows frown tightly: "Zhongchuan, is the man who later Xi Zi married?"

That took away his first love, once the most beloved woman of the man!

Although Xizi's affairs have passed for more than ten years, they have never been forgotten for a moment in Ouyang.

It was his first love, a deep-rooted feeling in his heart.

So every year, hizi's sacrifice day will quietly return to Japan, and drop a bunch of flowers in front of her tomb.

Besides, Ouyang most worried about the daughter that Hezi left behind.

Although Xizi died two or three years after marrying Zhongchuan, she left a daughter, only one year old when she died.

The daughter is called Youmei, and she is very similar to Xizi. Ouyang has been paying attention to Youmei's every move with the help of Qiaoben for these years.

Although Youmei is not his own child, Ouyang is stunned when Ouyang knows that his daughter is named Youmei.

This name is the name they both talked about when they were still in love when they were born a daughter to take a name.

Because, whether it comes from Chinese or Japanese, it sounds so beautiful.

So, at the moment Ouyang knew that such a little girl existed, he decided in his heart that this was the only blood left by Hezi in the world, and also called the name they wanted to take.

This shows that when he gave birth to this daughter, Xizi still has him in his heart, so that Ouyang can put down his responsibility for friendship and beauty!

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