Youmei also trusts Ouyang very much. She always writes to Ouyang in crooked handwriting when she suffers any grievance or even likes any little boy. Ouyang is always very patient to enlighten her and encourage her.

When Youmei graduated from primary school, Ouyang took a special leave to fly to Japan. He parked his car outside Youmei's school and looked at her from a distance.

The girl's Youmei has become more and more like Xizi, that kind of sentimental expression, that bright big eyes, soft hair, whenever Ouyang stares at her small face, her heart will be filled with sour and sad emotions.

He vowed to himself that he would take good care of Youmei, even for the sake of the pure and sad soul of Xizi in heaven.

For the love that has passed away

Even if love has been scattered with the wind, but this is always a man's responsibility!

Over the years, Youmei seems to have a cheerful sign, and is increasingly dependent on Ouyang.

But came the news of Nakagawa's death, Ouyang's thoughts suddenly returned from memory to reality.

Hearing Ouyang's long silence, Hashimoto called at the other end of the phone: "young master, young master, what's the matter with you?"

"No Nothing Ouyang's mood at this time has completely fallen into chaos.

Unknowingly, he slowly let go of the original hand holding attachment, and attachment is also sensitive to realize that Ouyang's eyes have changed.

Originally, his eyes were full of fanaticism and his nostalgia and care for himself. Since they had known each other for a long time, this was the first time that he showed his concern for her, just like a dream. At that moment, in Ouyang's eyes, she was the only one!

Attachment to believe in their own intuition, that moment, he is in love with her! However, it was broken so quickly

She was wondering, what did that phone call say?

A few simple words made everything broken, vulnerable, her heart suddenly became very cold, and shrink very small.

Is this God's play? Why did she give such a change when she began to feel that she was really loved by him

She felt bitterly that what had gone forever

Ouyang, at the moment, has no leisure to pay attention to the expression of attachment, his heart is affected by an idea, Youmei is now an orphan, she must cry very sad!

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