"How could that be! Although Nakagawa doesn't dote on Youmei, it is a natural relationship between father and daughter. According to the law, Youmei has the right to inherit property. How could she be driven out of the house? "

Hashimoto sighed: "it is true that the law stipulates this. However, the woman has a great family and great career. It is said that she has connections with the government and her power is hidden from the sky. Moreover, she has always had a bad relationship with Miss Youmei. Miss Youmei often contradicted her when she was a child. She said in front of Nakagawa several times that she wanted to drive Youmei out. All of them were rejected by Nakagawa. Now that Nakagawa dies, Youmei may It's really dangerous! "

"How could this happen..."

"Young master, I heard that Miss Youmei was ill recently. As soon as her father died, she was caught in the heavy rain and had a high fever. She was hospitalized, but her stepmother did not go to see her. Now she is lying in the hospital, and her condition is very bad! I went to the doctor in the hospital. The doctor said that her high fever might cause pneumonia. Now her stepmother hates her deeply. Maybe she will bribe the doctor to do something about it. What do you say now, young master

In my mind, Ouyang's fist is very beautiful, just like a smile in my mind

Then, he gritted his teeth: "no, I can't let things go like this. Youmei is Xizi's only daughter. I want to protect her!"

"but, young master, you are far away from China, what should we do? Now Nakagawa's wife has taken over the power of the whole Nakagawa family. Moreover, I heard that some people said that she wanted to trap Youmei, saying that Youmei was not Nakagawa's own daughter, and even threw dirty water on you... "

"What?" Ouyang's face became more green.

"Yes, Nakagawa's wife is not easy to offend. She doesn't know what kind of private detective she used to find out about Mrs. Hezi's past with you. Moreover, because it has been a long time since, she wants to buy some people to say that Youmei is the illegitimate daughter of you and Mrs. Hezi, so she can't enjoy the inheritance right of Nakagawa's inheritance!"

Ouyang's forehead is blue, and he has not been so angry for a long time.

This It's not only insulting, but also insulting! He insulted his feelings with her and Xizi's attitude towards marriage.

Indeed, he and Hezi have always been in love, and Hezi has never loved her husband.

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