"Aunt Li, I want to ask you, who moved my office today?" His voice seemed to be covered with a thin layer of ice.

When Aunt Li heard the cold voice of the boss, she couldn't help but feel a little flustered. She thought, is it that Miss Yi's hygiene work is not done well today, and the boss is complaining about himself?

She said, such a delicate girl.

Even if you want to perform in front of the boss, it's not really professional.

It must have been not cleaned up, which made the boss unhappy.

Ah, I really was. I shouldn't have promised her at that time.

It's better to put the blame on her first.

I'm so old, but I can't lose my job.

I have three sons to raise.

Thinking of this, Aunt Li subconsciously defended herself: "Mr. Ouyang, today Today, Miss Yi offered to do the sanitation. I didn't go to the office because she promised to do it well. Why? Isn't she doing well? Then I I'll do it right now! I'm sorry, I'll never do it again! "

Ouyang's heart sank to the freezing point. No wonder he felt that the books on the bookshelf had been sorted out. It turned out that they were made by attachment.

But why does attachment want to tidy up his bookshelf?

he looked around again and found that the desk had been tidied up and the room looked clearer, but the doubts in his mind were more confused. Attachment was the person in charge of his publicity image. Why Do you want to clean him up?

This and her stubborn little hedgehog look, completely does not match!


Ouyang suddenly had a terrible idea, he was scared by this idea.

Does she want to show the image of virtuous, virtuous and gentle in front of herself?

Or, more terrifying, she wanted to take the opportunity to see what was in his office?

Thinking of this, Ouyang's heart is as painful as a hand.

He really does not want to believe that attachment is such a girl!

According to her every contact with himself, he deeply felt that attachment is a knife mouth tofu heart, looks cold, silent and stubborn, but it is only to maintain his own small self-esteem.

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