Xiong Tai saw her hesitation, bent his lips, took out the iPad in his arms, and opened a picture for attachment: "Miss Yi, this is my book."

Attached to the past, she is usually very interested in art, sometimes to see art exhibitions, photography exhibitions.

Of course, for the sake of economy, they are basically free.

The background of the picture on the screen is the shrine bird house, which can be seen everywhere in Japan. It is full of mysterious and primitive atmosphere. It is surrounded by a green land. However, in front of it, there are two women who are very modern in dress and have a cold expression, with a kind of indifference, holding the most modern mobile phone and camera, facing the camera.

This strong contrast between the ancient and the modern, the collision of traditional and high-tech, is particularly incisive in this small photographic work, giving a strong visual impact.

Attachment can not help but gently praise, this man really has artistic talent.

Xiong Tai seemed to see the looseness in her heart and gave a slight smile: "this photo is my work last year, which won the first prize in XX exhibition in Japan. I don't like to carry my works with me. When you can go to my studio and see if there are any other works you like, maybe you will have a better view of me. In addition, about the cost... "

When it comes to expenses, attachment suddenly wakes up, and he still owes him 100 yuan!

Thinking of this, she blushed and slightly owed herself: "sorry, Mr. Xiong Tai, I still owe you 100 yuan, I I'll try to pay you back! "

"Only one hundred yuan. Why should I be so polite to miss Yi?" Xiong Tai's eyes were burning, and she was sure to smile: "as my model, I definitely pay the bill immediately, and the salary is not low. It will be a little higher than the average artist's salary. Therefore, if Miss Yi is willing to do my model now, I really don't have to pay back the 100 yuan. Even if I invite you, I will pay you immediately. What do you think?"

If all he said just let attachment still have a little heart, at this time, she had a kind of arrow on the string, had to send the feeling.

Yes, she has just been in the crown for a few days, and her salary will not be paid until the beginning of next month.

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