And Xiong Tai himself, it seems that his grandfather began to slowly away from himself.

He began to find it difficult to get close to his grandfather, who spent most of his time with his cousin.

Even if he got a scholarship or a place in an art competition, my grandfather would just give a perfunctory compliment, and by the way, he would not waste his studies for these things.

It's so different from the previous love for myself.

Sometimes he would be unbalanced, but he thought that cousin Yayan was a child without parents. He was very pitiful and needed the love of his grandfather. He gradually stopped caring about it.

Until I was sixteen in the summer.

That year, yashihiko Mizuno, who is now Ouyang, was 22 years old.

That year was also my grandfather's birthday. My grandfather announced:

"listen, all of you listen. Yayan will inherit most of the industry of Shuiye family. He will become the successor of Shuiye family. Therefore, please don't tell me about his life experience, and don't laugh at him! To laugh at him is to fight against our Shuiye family, do you understand? "

"What?" At that time, his father turned pale: "father, what do you say? You have to choose Choose Yayan to inherit our family business? But... "

"But what? Can't you? " Grandfather's expression is very cold, at that time he was more than seventy years old, but his will, no one can disobey.

"This..." Everyone was silent.

Mother's thin shoulders, shaking.

But the originator, yashiko Mizuno, was silent.

It's like a statue standing there.

today, when I think of that day, Mizuno will still be angry!

"Why! Why do you take everything from me! You and I are the continuation of my grandfather's blood. However, Shuiye family has always been a direct eldest son inheritance system. I am the only son of my grandfather's eldest son. I should inherit everything of Shuiye family and become the successor of the family emblem. For this, I studied hard since I was young, and I was admitted to the best university in Dongjing at the age of 15

But, grandfather, why do you have to give all your property and honor to that Chinese Hybrid!

His mother is only your daughter, but also a common daughter. How can she inherit her status with me, the eldest son!

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