He just lies beside his father's bed and comforts him over and over again:

"father, it doesn't matter. I don't need the inheritance of Shuiye family. It happens that I like photography and art. You can let me do this! If I inherited the family business of Shuiye family, I would not have time to play with my beloved camera, or travel all over the mountains and rivers to sketch. Father, this is a kind of freedom for me! Don't worry about it! Don't annoy grandfather for this. You should know what kind of person grandfather is. If he really loses his temper, even if you are his own son, he can mercilessly remove you quickly! So, we don't have to argue with grandfather at all! "

His father's face was white as paper. He reluctantly raised his upper body and looked at Xiong Tai. His eyes were slightly red: "Xiong Tai, father I'm sorry for you. It's because my father is so stupid that he didn't get his favor in front of his grandfather. Therefore, today I fell into such a situation. I remember that when you were born, my grandfather was so happy and happy. It seemed that he wanted to cultivate you as the inheritor of Shuiye family. He gave you many valuable gifts. He said that Xiong Tai is the hope of Shuiye family. He also said that you are very like him and have the same spleen and spirit as him. In the future, he will carry forward the Shuiye family. So does his father But all this changed after the boy named yashiko Mizuno came back to Japan

his father's words are still echoing in his head.

Yes, after he returned to Japan, he clearly felt that his grandfather didn't come to visit him often since then. He was always with him.

Sometimes I take him to a private ranch to ride a horse. It is said that he can ride the "fire" that grandfather loves most and no one can touch!

That man everywhere to get the grandfather's favor and trust, will be my eldest grandson to the deepest corner.

Mrs. Xiong's heart was full of anger, and his father gasped: "Xiong Tai, that man is your aunt outside and a humble Chinese people's livelihood, they did not even go to our country to hold formal marriage registration, this is like an illegitimate child, his body flows dirty blood, and your aunt soon died, his father did not live much For a long time... "

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