He even wanted to say to Director Luo, no matter what the answer is, don't tell him, just let him continue to enjoy the warm feeling of being attached to each other, which seems to be enough!

After all, everything with Xizi is in the past. Why should I hurt my feelings for the past!

He is also so old, need a stable, long flow of feelings.

Thinking of this, he gently put away his mobile phone, and his thoughts surged for a moment. At this time, the mobile phone suddenly sounded like a fire-fighting ring. It was really the call of director Luo. He sighed, is this the will of God?

However, if the fingerprints on it are not hers, then you can rest assured!

Can't you believe her? How could he doubt her personality after such a long meeting? It must not be her, it must not be her! Someone must be wrong!

Seems to be so self hypnotic, Ouyang picked up the phone.

Over there, director Luo's voice came with speculation: "Ouyang general manager, did you get off the plane?"

"Well, just got off!"

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you. It should be very late, isn't it? It's just that I've got the results of what you asked me to look up! "

"how is it?" Ouyang heard his voice as if from another person's mouth, his heart suddenly jumped very fast.

So that he heard his heart beating so fast.

When did he become so restless?

Director Luo held his breath, and then slowly said: "we found out that there are two fingerprints on the photo. One of them is Ouyang general manager's, and the other is a female's!"

"Is it?" Ouyang's voice is mechanical. He also knows that this is nonsense. Another person's fingerprint must be a woman, but who is it?

Director Luo continued to report: "we checked the other fingerprint. The owner of the fingerprint is the lady named Yi who was transferred to the 76th floor by you just now."

Ouyang suddenly felt that the whole world was silent. He seemed to be locked in a closed space. He didn't want to talk. He just wanted to stay alone, saying nothing and doing nothing. He could see his mind pulling away from his body

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