Yes, there are her fingerprints in the picture, which does not mean that she must have scratched them.

He has always been an extremely shrewd to anything, attaches importance to evidence, and never wrongs his subordinates easily. Why is he so arbitrary about his beloved woman?

It is not impossible to plant booty and frame up.

He bites his teeth hard, he must ask clearly!

If attachment is framed, he will never spare that person!

However, just as he wanted to take out the hand holding Youmei, Youmei tightly grasped his wrist: "uncle, don't go, Uncle..."

Her appearance was so weak that Ouyang's heart could not help feeling guilty.

Yes, I still have a lot of time for my attachment. It's not too late to explain to her when I come back home. Or at least, it's OK to wait until Youmei's fever subsides.

Now Youmei is lonely and helpless. A little girl in her twenties has no father or mother. She has to take care of her by herself, just for the love relationship between her mother and herself. How pitiful she is! How helpless and helpless she should be

He sighed, and now it's better to accompany Youmei. She is an adult after all. She should have her reason. If the photo is not drawn by her, he will apologize to her when they explain clearly.

He never wronged an innocent good man!

he put down the phone and gently touched Youmei's hair.

Soon, the nurse came to take the temperature and exclaimed in surprise, "Mr. Ouyang, Miss Nakagawa's temperature has dropped a lot!"

"Really?" Ouyang's surprise is not trivial, touch Youmei's forehead, indeed, the temperature is much lower, he is too happy!

The nurse looked at Ouyang with a gentle smile: "Mr. Ouyang, you are really a good man! Miss Nakagawa must be because she knows that you are with her and guarding her, so she has the courage to fight against the disease! When you didn't come, we all felt that she was very dangerous. Her weak body might be unable to carry her. You are a good man! "

Ouyang heard this sentence, heart sour, his this time to Japan, after all, is to do the right!

Although, it seems to have caused the contradiction between him and attachment, but the contradiction can be explained slowly, but if there is something wrong with Youmei, it can never be retrieved!

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