Also very strange, when he talked about this matter, his heart was filled with a kind of cruel □, attracted him, let him unconsciously go on.

"Once my father was proud of me. He felt that I would inherit all his glory and everything that belonged to him and become a perfect person. It's a pity that, in the end, for some reasons, I didn't achieve his wish. So, after being hit hard, he left the world in a gloomy mood... "

"At that time, I looked at his closed eyes, and there was infinite regret in my heart. I regret that when he was fully expecting me to inherit his career, I spent all my time painting, photographing and showing my talent, instead of listening to him and inheriting his career... "

"When I knew that my father would never come back, I suddenly felt incomparable regret. At that time, I gazed at the starry sky, and suddenly remembered a legend that the dead people had become stars and looked at the world quietly on the top of the sky."

"The joys and sorrows of the world may be so ridiculous in the eyes of the stars. They have existed for tens of millions of years. The vicissitudes of the world and the changes of the world are just a moment for them. How small the world is!

But how humble and pitiful human beings are, there must be jealousy, anger, struggle and comparison in this tiny life

So, I think, the stars in the sky may be mocking the world! "

after finishing this sentence, Xiong Tai looked at the expression of attachment.

Her cheek was slightly red, and she seemed to be holding back the excitement in her heart. After a long time, she gently said, "in fact, I had such a thought at that time..."

"Is it?"

She nodded slightly: "I'm an adopted daughter. I never knew who my own parents were. The adoptive parents had no children at that time, so they picked me up. But they soon gave birth to a pair of natural children. From then on, I was like an invisible person at home."

"I told myself not to be jealous of my younger brother and sister, and not to hate my adoptive father and mother for being merciless, because I was not their blood relationship. Blood was thicker than water, and they provided me with food and clothing, which was already very good!"

"But looking at the doting expression of foster parents on their younger brothers and sisters and treating them like the apple of their eyes, I still feel that my fate is too lonely! From that time, when they were reunited, I often looked at the stars in the sky by the window, as if only they knew my heart

I feel that compared with the eternal existence of stars in the sky, how insignificant I am, a tiny human being

"Maybe my parents are not born in the sky when I gaze at them

"So, whenever I am lonely, when I am bullied by my sister, and I dare not tell my adoptive parents, whenever I am left at home by four members of their family, whenever I give my sister a supplementary lesson and have to work hard to finish my homework in the middle of the night, I will look at the stars, and then there will be a force in my heart. So I always feel that if it's not for people who are full of loneliness, they won't look at the stars like that... "

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