She couldn't understand his logic, his temperament, what he wanted to do.

This person is too different and terrible.

She just wanted to run away from him and never see him again in her life!

"You're still not brave enough." Man's eyes, quietly stay on her body, "your eyes are written to kill me, but why don't you dare?"

"Who says I dare not?"

She was provoked to be wild by him.

"Then I'll give you another chance, bite me!"

"Bite, bite!"

She stubbornly and fiercely bit him on the other shoulder!

just at this moment, the waitress stood quietly at the door.

Gently said: "Mr. Huo, what you want is coming."

"At the door."

The waitress said "yes" softly, then put down her clothes and left.

Huo Sheng picked up Su Xiao and went to the door.

She struggled so hard that his shoulder was bleeding on his own.

It is like a beautiful manzhusha.

But he never let go.

He bent down, one hand hugged her body, the other hand took a coat on his body, and then threw another pile of women's clothes at Su Xiao's feet: "choose by yourself."

Su Xiao glanced at the sign and was stunned.

This kind of famous brand has never been worn in my life.

The price of one piece is enough for her three-year scholarship.

The most ridiculous thing was that the waitress held a lot of them as if they didn't want money.

Huo Sheng looked at her: "choose by yourself, I don't know what size you wear."

She sneered: "these high-grade clothes, I can't afford them."

"I'll let you wear it."

"No, since ancient times, people's hands are short and people's mouths are soft. What's more, I don't want clothes as money."

"So you're going to run naked like this?"

Su Xiao sneered: "you let them take my original clothes."

"I threw it away." He looked at her coldly, with no room for refutation.

"You -" she was angry.

"You really don't wear it?"

"Really not."

"No, I'll tear it."

"Tear it up. It's not my money anyway."

He looked at her coldly, suddenly picked up those precious clothes and pulled them down!

How can those delicate silks stand up to this kind of force, and suddenly they make terrible screams, and then sleeves, accessories, lace, buttons One by one, they fell down.

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