Huo Sheng sneered: "you are a game freak. Life and games are of course different."

"I think it's quite the same. People laugh that I'm too crazy, and I laugh that people can't see through it Aren't you just wondering if you can fix that woman? It's not the same thing to smash equipment and women with money

"What do you know? Women don't just want to see money. I'm afraid that people who get her can't get her heart..."

He sighed and poured himself a vodka.

He seldom drinks such strong wine, Li Yu is his hair is small, nature is very clear.

Because at any time, Huo Sheng always wants to keep the most sober state.

He said that drunk people are stupid.

An adult should be responsible for his own mind.

Therefore, he at this time, let Li Yu secretly heart.

What kind of woman makes him worry that he can't handle?

Cup after cup, Huo Sheng no longer said anything and kept pouring wine into her throat.

Li Yu did not say what, good brothers do not say.

That night, Huo Sheng was half drunk. When he was drunk, he said to Li Yu, "do you feel sorry for someone?"

Li Yu shook his head: "I just feel that there is no way to perfect the game, sorry that game."

Huo Sheng chuckled indifferently and narrowed her eyes. Her thick eyelashes covered her eyelids: "but I have, that person. Unfortunately, I can never make up for her..."

"Who is it?" Li Yu was very surprised that he had never heard of such a history.

Huo Sheng has been drunk: "she is like Gardenia in spring I always thought I would keep her in my heart forever However, I do not know why, since I met that woman, the shadow in my heart seems to be replaced I'm sorry for that little man... "

When Su Xiao woke up again, the sun burned her eyelids.

She thought vaguely, is it day? What's this place?

She reluctantly propped up and suddenly opened her eyes, but the familiar scene was all around her.

Everything around us is covered with hazy halo, computer desk, familiar books, daily necessities, photo frame, laptop

Originally, she returned to the dormitory, but who in the end sent her back to the dormitory building?

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