A group of fancy women are blooming on the LCD screen, a dreamlike smile.

He looked very upset.

A group of artificial flowers.

Impatiently, he looked away and said casually, "director Cao, needless to say, I know what you mean."

Cao Lei did not dare to wipe the sweat on his forehead. He quickly asked, "Mr. Huo You mean... "

"I know what you mean. Although the "voice of roses" was proposed by Lin Zhu and their magazine "charming women" to be co sponsored by Longlin, Longlin has invested 50 million yuan in total this time, which also hopes to achieve the most explosive effect in the media. Therefore, it is very important to select the most potential newcomer and improve the competitiveness and public image of Longlin group. Therefore, it is very important who is the candidate for the national championship

Cao Lei hastened to acquiesce: "these subordinates all know But now there are two better candidates for the national championship I really don't know how to choose... "

Huo Sheng smile, that smile actually with a bit of feminine charm flavor, but not a bit feminine, on the contrary, sexy makes people's heart beat faster!

he pointed at the screen casually with his hand, "this miss ye Jinran in the middle is the national champion candidate selected by Cao Lei and Cao. Do you think my guess is correct?"

Cao Lei's face was a little stiff for a moment, and then he said:

"Mr. Huo, you are so talented and brilliant that you can guess what your subordinates think so quickly

In fact, the reason why I recommend you to let Miss ye be the national champion is not without reason. Miss Ye's father is a powerful official in city a, who is in charge of the government's financial power. He has repeatedly told you that his only daughter wants to enter the entertainment circle at all costs.

Besides, Miss Ye's mother is also a famous real estate industrialist in a city If we choose Ms. Ye as the national champion this time, and let her sign up for our longhui film and television company to create a few months and launch a blockbuster album, I think Ms. Ye's parents will be very happy and will cooperate closely with Longlin group from now on

This is a matter of profit and no harm to the group. Doesn't Huo always think so? "

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