"I have relatives who are cosmetic doctors, and they can definitely prove that you are wearing the bridge of your nose! You can go to the doctor for a certificate! I left early! No! Don't be too surprised when the magazine publishes big photos! It doesn't matter, it will make you more popular! It's as powerful as Yanzhao gate

With this sentence, she looked at Lin Zhu's shaking body, and she was very happy in her heart.

The corner of the eye is crooked, and the ancient spirit is strange.

In fact, Lin Zhu was completely cheated by her.

In fact, her cosmetic surgery is perfect, there is absolutely no trace that can be seen by the naked eye.

I didn't take the picture just now.

What is the so-called The trace of the corner of the eye

After all, this is just a very ordinary card machine with no professional settings.

Lin Zhu moved so much just now that he couldn't get a clear picture.

However, the key lies in Lin Zhu's heart.

A person has a ghost in his heart, it is easy to show his flaws.

She knew Lin zier at that time, and she also knew what she looked like before.

Although it is also a beautiful woman, it is definitely not so perfect.

She's got a facelift. There's no mistake.

Even if her cosmetic surgery is perfect, it is not her original appearance.

She must have been looking in the mirror, admiring her artificial beauty, and worried that the fake face would be found one day.

This kind of psychology, too easy to understand.

So, I just took a picture casually

Let her scared, whole body tremble!

How to blackmail her

This opportunity must not be let go easily

You know, you don't just want to rob her of the man, but also let her lose everything

"dare you!" Thinking of the terrible consequences of this photo, Lin Zhu reaches out and grabs Su Xiao's camera tape!

She used a lot of force, the whole person became extremely fierce, just like a wild wolf!

Su Xiao is thin and weak. She didn't expect that she would be so desperate for a moment. For a moment, Su Xiao was dragged forward by her!

Just at this time, a silver gray sports car in this direction!

A fierce light flashed in Lin Zhu's eyes, and a bitter sneer rose from the corner of his mouth!

Mao foot strength, will Su Xiao toward the sports car in the past!

- - - here we are today ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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