Even if pretending to be strong, the heart is still fragile.

If there is a person, willing to hold her in the palm of your hand

If he looked at himself again with those sincere eyes, and then said her feelings in her heart so gently

Maybe, she almost fell in love with him.

"over there is your room, miss."

After introducing the use of all the modern equipment inside, Li Ma politely pointed to her room.


Su Xiao stood up and walked quietly along the right corridor with Li Ma and entered the third room.

As soon as you enter the door, there is the aroma of sandalwood, which almost makes people feel in a dreamland of emptiness.

Li Ma turned on the light and said, "Miss Su, the bedding has been changed. Please have a rest. There is a bell at the bedside. You can ring the bell to tell me anything

Su Xiao nodded: "you go down."

She looked at the room alone.

There is no doubt that this is the study, neat and spacious, antique and modern rigorous.

Three huge carefully carved bookcases are fan-shaped against the wall. The shelves are full of books of various types. In addition to the Chinese and English versions, there are French, German and Japanese versions of professional collections. In addition to other literature and art categories, ancient books, Western opera, Oriental drama, psychological Zen, etc., are also included To tea ceremony equestrian and other advanced leisure things.

Obviously, the scope of the master's involvement is very wide.

Su Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, this talented elder martial brother really deserves his reputation.

Walking into the matching bathroom, the tap spouts warm water with a light jasmine fragrance. She unfolds her body in this pool to her heart's content, taking away the fatigue, panic and insulted pain of these days. It seems that she is a mermaid in the deep sea.

And beautiful notes, in the light purple dawn, gently cruise.

The water waves gently and gently stirred every inch of her pores.

In this way, she slowly fell into a dream

"ship >

Cao Lei just entered the gate of the president's office when a crystal coffee cup fell over!

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