She felt thirsty in her throat when she thought of his eyes when he was leaving.

At that time, he lowered his head and gave her a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

The feeling of crispy, it seems to stay there

These days, Su Xiao did not have any conversation with Ouyang.

But, stay in his room, feel his breath, lingering around her.

It seems that in a blink of an eye, you can see his clean and fresh flat head, broad shoulders, the smile of a gentleman at the corner of his mouth.

It's worth relying on.

She didn't mean to peep, but in the past few days, she also unconsciously noticed some small details of his life.

This apartment must be his usual habitation.

Everything was clean and tidy, and the wardrobe was full of his clothes.

His clothes are not too many fancy clothes. They are all elegant colors, and their cutting and texture are very good.

She took a look at the brand, which she had never heard of. It was not the vulgar and luxurious brands in fashion magazines. She checked it on the Internet. The brand came from Switzerland, which was made of pure natural materials and cost a lot.

She also saw a man's kimono wrapped in exquisite high-grade wood grain paper on the hanger.

The color is light brown and blue, the neckline is white, with light yellow cloud silk pattern.

She looked at the kimono and imagined Ouyang in it.

Once upon a time, I thought kimono belonged to women, but I didn't know what it was like for a man like him to wear it?

there are personal care products used by him in the bathroom, which gives off a light and clean fragrance.

It's the smell from him.

She's almost used to the safe smell.

Yeah, safe.

When she was with him, though not many times, she felt a sense of peace of mind.

She's not a pure girl, so she doesn't think it's love.

But, indeed, she undeniably felt calm for his gentleness.

Perhaps, in this way, is the legendary "when the scenery is seen through, you will accompany me to see the long stream"?

The years are quiet and the world is safe.

Looking at his slightly bearded face, she would think of these beautiful words.

It's a pity that she couldn't respond to his kindness.

…… Elder martial brothe

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