This bar is a Nordic style, the layout is very simple, but also full of fun.

There are many new designers who put their works in this lounge. There are also many artists who hang their works on the wall. If anyone likes it, you can contact them at any time. Of course, the price is also high.

Therefore, although there are not many people in this lounge, the people who come here are either rich or expensive, or people with artistic attainments and tastes.

Su Xiao had heard of the name of this bar for a long time, but it was too expensive. She never went in once.

Ouyang sat opposite her, his face in the shadow of the orange light.

Su Xiao can see that his heart is full of tangles,

however, his eyes are really beautiful and crystal clear.

She firmly believes that the eyes can see a person's heart - he is a sincere person.

Because of this, she is willing to sit here and listen to his story.

He finally stabilized his mood and asked Su Xiao, "what would you like to drink?"

"I'll have a sake."

Su Xiao doesn't like drinking in general.

Especially drinking with men.

However, after all, it is obvious that Ouyang has something to talk to her, or a drink.

Sake is her favorite wine.

The degree is not high, but it has deep charm.

After Ouyang nodded and called the waiter, under the dim halo, he slowly began to tell his story

"Her name is shiko, nakasoni, and she's a Japanese."

Su Xiao grinned bitterly and pressed his temple: "I didn't believe that there was another me in the world. Indeed, she and I looked very similar! I almost feel like I'm looking at my own picture! "

"Yes, it is." Ouyang nodded gently, "but she is older than you! Ten years ago, she was about your age, 21 years old... "

"At that time, I had just finished my studies in China and returned to Japan, because my grandfather realized that his time was running out, and he had started to let me inherit my family business and control the affairs of his consortium. At that time, there was a lot of pressure... "

At that time, Ouyang Yayan's pressure came from his career, but more from his family.

As his grandfather grew old, he began to regard Ouyang Yayan as his only sustenance in his life.

Because, although grandfather Shuiye Junxiong has seven or eight grandchildren, he is the only one with the most promising.

Some relatives say that xiaoxiaoleng is too cold and cold. In fact, she is very gentle and kind-hearted. Otherwise, why would she accompany Ouyang to listen to the stories of him and other women

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