Love, originally is a matter of a thousand turns.

Ouyang continued: "yes, I believe I love her, and she loves me, but our two families resolutely obstruct our contact, and Xizi's parents put her under house arrest. I spent the night under her house, and the spring was chilly, but I didn't feel cold at all She cried and begged the servant, and finally let her out for half an hour. The two of us hugged each other tightly under the cherry blossom tree in spring, and we had no other requirements... "

"However, human nature is fragile, even if you love deeply, you can't fully understand it. Slowly, we both gradually had a misunderstanding. I began to complain about why she didn't tell me her family background earlier. Then, we would not be so passive, and we could think of a way to go away earlier... "

"And under the heavy pressure of their family, she also began to blame me for not saying my real identity. Although we are still in love, but the heart has been slowly estranged. The more love, the more hurt, just like two hedgehogs At the end of the day, we began to quarrel, and the quarrel became more and more fierce. Once I was upset and angry, I said I really wish I had never loved her! "

He was silent, the corner of his eyes flashed lonely water.

"Xiaoxiao, you know, this is the most regretful thing in my life."

"I will always remember Xizi's expression at that time."

"She looked at me blankly, her big eyes not blinking. She didn't cry. Her eyes were dry. It was like a fool

"I wanted to apologize, but I couldn't say it."

"Looking at me, she suddenly gave a gentle smile. Then she bowed and said to me in a soft voice," I'm sorry, I've been bothering you to take care of me. " Then she turned her head and left

"I wanted to go after it, but my self-esteem was making trouble and didn't catch up. I think she will come to understand and understand my hardship. How can I really regret my love for her? "

"I've been calling her and texting her all the time, but she doesn't answer, and she doesn't return. I'm going crazy."

"Later, I learned that at that time, her family made a marriage for her. The other party was the son of a well-known politician. Her parents took care of everything and soon got them engaged."

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