Then, the style slowly left the waist.

This lounge is his

Su Xiao lowered her head and was shocked.

Before that, she heard that there were often avant-garde art exhibitions in this lounge, as well as many art treasures that were hard to see from the outside world.

She often imagined that the person who founded such a lounge must have experienced the vicissitudes of life and art, and had a strong appreciation and intuition ability on life and art, and was a person of great taste.

She had supposed that the man should be over 40 years old, but she did not expect that the boss should be him.

Although the heart of the wind and clouds, her pretty face did not show a little ripple.

Huo Sheng's eyes turned on her like flowing water, then said with a smile: "Miss Su is more charming than crystal city that night! Sure enough, women are like flowers and good wine. Only those who know how to taste wine can taste the real flavor Sure enough, brother Ouyang, you are more powerful. Ginger is old and spicy! I admire you, I feel ashamed! "

Before he finished speaking, a female voice suddenly came from behind: "Mr. Huo, I said where you have been, I have been looking for you for a long time! People are in a hurry!... "

Why another woman?

Su Xiao looked up in astonishment. It was ye Jinran, one of the top 20 voice of roses.

Ye Jinran changed his usual haughty appearance, and his face was coquettish. He was wearing a clean white dress and skirt, three inch high-heeled shoes, and her hair had become a big wave. Su Xiao's heart leaps. How can Huo Sheng be with ye Jinran? Is What secret was there between them?

She frowns. If ye Jinran is also colluding with Huo Sheng, then the voice of roses champion

As if feeling Su Xiao's thoughts, Huo Sheng turned to her slowly with a smile and no words.

It seems that she feels his gaze, her eyes are rippling over the shallow water waves, which makes her feel a kind of moving fascination.

don't put a smile on her lips. "Miss Su, now miss Ye is here. Are you all friends? Why don't you sit down and talk

Ye Jinran went to Huo Sheng and naturally put his arm around him. He said in a greasy voice, "Mr. Huo, people have been waiting for you outside. They also say where you have been. It turns out that they are in this private room! It's so lonely to leave someone alone

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