Yes, men think so!

They feel that women should love them unconditionally and give them everything unconditionally.

Give up everything, take the children to do housework, serve them at any time at night, and make them happy if necessary.

And their love, but is the lower body of some impulse, can pull off the belt at any time!

As long as a woman comes up, you can!

Too shameless, too disgusting!

Thinking of this, Su Xiao suddenly forgot that the man in front of her was the object she was trying to seduce. She stood up with a sneer: "this is what general manager Huo said..."


He raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were as bright as stars.

"-- it really let me see vividly how to write the word shameless!"

When he said this, he was surprised.

Just now the waitress is wriggling and graceful to come over, want to pour wine for these distinguished guests.

But just saw that beautiful young girl stand up, full face indignant ground scolds in front of them head big boss.

"General manager Huo's statement really let me see how to write shameless words vividly!"

The waitress was also stunned, and Su Xiao himself was startled.

Standing in front of the crowd, his face was a little embarrassed.

Why can't she control her emotions so much?

How did she tell herself?

If she offended the man completely, all she paid, including her body, was in vain.

How can you be so irrational?

It's OK to talk in private, but in front of Ouyang and ye Jinran

Ye Jinran opened his mouth and said nothing.

Ouyang wrung his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to hold Su Xiao's hand. However, she kept away from her.

Huo Sheng, with a smile on one side, looks up at Su Xiao with a pair of thick eyebrows. Between her fingers, she gently touches a wisp of dark hair that she blows off

Light way: "very good! No one has ever dared to say that Ben Shao is shameless. This is the first time. It tastes good

He looked at Ouyang and said, "sorry, I'll go to the bathroom."

after turning a corner, Huo Sheng turned his head, and his handsome face was a little lonely under the light

his fingertip was lifted to his nose, and the faint fragrance was almost invisible, just like her attitude towards him It seems that there is something indistinct, but it is unpredictable, because she retreats faster than he guessed.

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