"Power, status, the prosperity and splendor of the masses may be nothing but ashes in the end. What ye Jinran said just now is right. What a woman needs most is a reliable shoulder, not you walking alone in the dark. If that person really loves you, he will not humiliate you like that, and he will not put you on the cusp of the storm and let others criticize you. Xiaoxiao, think about it very much. I am willing to accompany you all the time! "

Perhaps moved by such words, Su Xiao's throat choked.

How long, she did not hear such a proper word, although in a big pursuit of her few people, but those people are confused by shallow beauty, but only to chase her as a challenge, no one really see her heart.

She once heard a few rich second generation bet that if anyone could sleep to himself, others would pay him a million!

His innocence is only worth a million, become other people's bet!

Therefore, Su Xiao has always been indifferent to this so-called pursuer.

It's just adrenaline hormone secretion, where can we talk about love?

However, today she had to admit that she was moved by Ouyang.

She shrunk like a kitten. Her eyes were full of hazy innocence, as if she had returned to the small, helpless eyes, small body, full of panic, and looked at the one who expressed her feelings in front of her Men.

For a long time, she just barely smelled out a voice: "are you saying is true?"

"Don't you believe me?" Ouyang said with a wry smile, "yes, maybe you will mind my past story. I can understand this, but I just want to tell you that you are my hope to start a new life. After knowing you, I realize that I can still have the ability to love!"

Su Xiao sighed: "but you know I have... "

"That's all in the past." He took her hand. "We all have a past, and none of us is a piece of white paper, is it? I once deeply loved and lost it, so now I know how to cherish it. I will never see the person I like get hurt. Xiaoxiao, would you like to give me a chance like this? "

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