She curled her lips and raised her eyes ironically: "I'm laughing at you!"

"Laugh at me? I can crush you with a little finger. What's funny about me

"I just laugh at your arrogance, even if you can crush me?"

Su Xiao raised her eyes and looked at Huo Sheng, even with pity and disdain:

"you think you are God, but you are just a human being. Just like any stupid human being, you hold out your hand and think that you can crush the ants. But even if you can crush the ants, you will live, grow, die and die. You will also have things you can't do or get!

If you show your noble position by killing, controlling, occupying and playing with others, you will only appear despicable and cowardly in your heart. Huo Sheng, I tell you, you can destroy my body, but you can't destroy my soul! I despise you... "

Before she finished her words, Huo Sheng kicked the door open!

She was originally pressed on the door by him. As soon as the door was opened, she fell down in the rear compartment with a sound of inertia!

He stretched out his long legs, stepped into the car and slammed the door from inside!

Perfect match!

He trapped himself and her in the car. What did he want to do?

Su Xiao felt that his action was ridiculous.

It's ridiculous.

Squinting, she stretched lazily and looked at him with clear eyes:

"you can only do this, what else can you do? Rape? Possession? You've played all these, it's no surprise! You don't have to use such means to make me surrender in order to cover up your inner weakness! You know that I'm right. You know that your heart is not as powerful as you show it

"Who taught you all this?"

A deep voice was heard above her.

She looked up and was surprised to see that Huo Sheng was not angry.

She thought that after she said these words, he would slap her a dozen times in a rage, and then it would be the ravage of hysteria!

But he didn't, he just frowned slightly, as if surprised:

"after a few days, you should say these words? Su Xiao, who told you this? Is it Ouyang Yayan? The stupid Japanese? "

Here we are today. Tomorrow will be more wonderful! Be sure to watch it on time

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