"What? Director Cao, we are going to leave. What are you still dreaming about here

Cao Lei came back from his own thoughts: "no Nothing, Mr. Huo. Let's go! "

"Well." Just now Lin Zhu's phone call obviously damaged his mood, Huo Sheng smelled a handsome face.

Cao Lei didn't dare to talk much. He had been with Mr. Huo for many years. What he didn't know was that he was under control.

When Mr. Huo was studying in Cambridge, he once called him and asked him to come back the next day and formally introduce him to the board of directors.

He dropped the phone without saying a few words.

The old man was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

Fortunately, he and Huo Shao have always had some friendship and made a phone call to be a peacemaker.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Huo Shao's fretful voice: "what's the matter? I said I'm going to take part in the sailing race tomorrow. If I can't say it, I won't come!"

"This Huo Shao, you can come again next time. This time, Mr. Huo wants to introduce you to all the directors of the board of directors, which is very important... "

"What board of directors! A bunch of old men who are full of food and support are frightened and have no ability to deal with anything but farts. "

"This Huo Shao, the competition is not a big deal. You can come by plane all night. I'll send someone to pick you up in a private plane... "

"If I said no, I would not come. All the women in Cambridge know that I need to ask Huo Sheng two weeks in advance. Even if Huo Da is my father, he has to be two days ahead of schedule! That's a lot of face for him! Hang up


Since the death of the old master, Mr. Huo has become more and more angry.

Ah Maybe, it's all caused by the shadow left by childhood


Cao Lei followed Huo Sheng with his head down. They went down the elevator from the 66th floor. They were silent all the way.

I met several female staff members of Longlin. Each of them saw Mr. Huo's appearance, and her face flashed with a shy and astringent expression. Her cheek was slightly red, and her pretty face was like a flower. She bowed her head and called out: "Mr. Huo is good."

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