Xie Mudan became more and more angry. She was in a bad mood when she was pregnant. She broke all the instruments in the room that could be broken. Huoda simply moved out to sleep

It was in such a storm that Huo Sheng was born.

At this time, Xie Mudan's father, the grandfather of Huo Sheng, died suddenly.

All the shares are left to Huo Sheng, who is a crying baby. He has become the top tycoon in the city!

However, his childhood is not happy, even if he has a huge amount of money in his name, is the wealth that others can't accumulate after several lifetime efforts, but his childhood is not even as good as the life of an ordinary child.

Although Huoda loves his son in his heart, he has no feelings with the child's mother. When he can be outside, he will never go home.

He regarded Huo Sheng as the hope of the Huo family. He was strict with him from his childhood and wanted to do the best in everything.

However, Xie Mudan is more hysterical. She takes Huo Sheng seriously because he is the only fetter between himself and her beloved husband who can't live together peacefully!

When he was born, she nearly died of dystocia, shed a lot of blood, but still gave birth to him!

Xie Mudan thinks in the heart, this is God gives her a chance, let her keep her husband!

However, every time she saw her husband not returning home late at night, Xie Mudan would cast all her temper on her beloved son.

When Huo Sheng was not sensible, Xie Mudan asked him to be the best in everything!

Xie Mudan's heart has always been a faint worry, her husband outside so many women, extravagant, perhaps which woman will give her husband another son, when the time comes, the Huo family's inheritance will not know who will hand over.

It was her father's hard work. How could she be cheap to others?

Therefore, she was determined to cultivate Huo Sheng into the best man. Even if another woman gave birth to her husband, long Lin would eventually fall into the hands of the Xie family!

Therefore, Xie Mudan's extreme nature makes her never love and indulge her own son as a normal mother. She should do the best in everything, otherwise she will have to scold and even fight.

Whether it's exam, sports, or violin!

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