"Do you practice? Get out of this door if you don't practice

"Mom, I'm really sick Please, please let me go this time... "

"I'll let you go?! I gave birth to you and nearly died for you. You said such things to me Xie Mudan was so angry that he pricked his nails into his son's face and said, "I let you go? Who's going to let me go?! Let go of our mother and son? Don't blame me when your father drives us out of the house

Looking at her mother's pale face and pale lips, Huo Sheng felt that she was wrong.

Every time he faced his mother, he only felt that he had made a lot of mistakes!

Although he has tried his best to please his mother, but the mother is still not satisfied.

Even if he won the international violin prize at the age of 12 and completed his master's degree at the age of 15, Xie Mudan still looked at him coldly.

Later, he finally understood that his mother didn't think he was not good enough. She just hated her father too much. She never really loved her.

So, no matter how much you do and what you do, it's not enough!

The emptiness in Xie Mudan's heart can never be filled. The more she criticizes, scolds and hysterically, Huoda is more and more unwilling to get along with her.

Huoda more and more escape from her, she became more crazy, hysterical, this has become a vicious circle.

The exasperated Xie Mudan even went to a private detective to take pictures of her husband entangled with other women.

After washing it back, she threw it to Huo Sheng.

At that time, Huo Sheng was only 12 years old.

See the picture of men and women entangled, heart pounding.

Xie Mudan, sitting there, looks like a queen, with an old face and cruel eyes, pointing to those photos:

"look, this is your father! What did he do for you when he gave birth to you? He's got so many women out there, he's a bitches With that, she glared at her son: "come on, tell me your father, Hoda, is a bitch!"

The little boy looked at his mother in horror. Although he thought it was wrong for his father to look for other women outside, he couldn't do it.

Xie Mudan's face has been hysterical, she grabbed the young man's shoulder and pulled him to the photo!

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