However, Xie Mudan soon found out that it was wrong.

Her life is all her son. Xie Mudan is more sensitive than a hound when the wind blows and the grass moves.

Several times, she crouched in a luxury car by the side of the road, and saw her son walking along the long street side by side with that beautiful and detached girl. Her youth's face was full of laughter, and her eyes were full of crazy jealousy.

Why! Why? Her husband left himself and changed to another woman outside. Her son, who was born in October with painstaking efforts, was also taken away by other demons! What is left of her life!

No one needs her!

Looking at Xiao Fen's side face, Xie Mudan's heart is filled with hatred.

Later, somehow, Xiaofen began to hide from Huo Sheng.

He intended to talk to her, Xiaofen always find reasons to avoid, even on the way to the toilet, has been pulling other girls, for fear that he will come to harass her.

Youth's feelings, how can it be so easy to be erased in the heart.

Huo Sheng thought it was wrong. He wrote her a note and asked her to talk after school.

Xiaofen said: "I am very busy, my mother is ill, I will go home to take care of her."

"Then I'll go home with you and see your mother."

At that time, Xiaofen gave him a cold look: "no, my mother doesn't like strangers to my house!"

At that time, 15-year-old Huo Sheng only felt the pain in her heart.

He has such a prominent family, so much wealth, born with a gold key, but he does not understand why the girl he likes, who wants to fly away from her, is suddenly so cold to himself.

That day, he followed Xiaofen silently, but Xiaofen didn't go home.

On the road, a few hundred meters away from the school, there was an arrogant motorcycle coming over, and the motorcycle was a flowing teenager.

As soon as he raised his hand, Xiaofen jumped onto his motorcycle and tightly hooped his waist behind him. The young man gave Xiaofen a proud kiss on his face, and Xiaofen said: "you really hate it!"

That young rascal like a smile: "you finally willing to see me? What about your rich second-generation lover

Xiaofen didn't care to smile: "that guy is not fun, pestering me all day, I don't like him at all!"

"I'm better, isn't it?"

Xiaofen Du mouth: "of course, your motorcycle is very windy, I love it!"

They rode away on their motorcycles, and Huo Sheng stood in the same place.

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