He suddenly gave a thin sneer at Ouyang, and his tone also took a bit of bitterness in his voice, "Mr. Ouyang, since you want to take this lady away, I won't argue with you! But I would like to remind you that Huo Sheng will come to me when the time comes. I can't afford this responsibility! "

Ouyang hugs Su Xiao's small body closer to his chest.

As if she would melt in the air at any moment!

Squinting, he said coldly, "if Huo Sheng comes, I will tell him directly that he doesn't deserve Xiaoxiao!"

With that, he stopped talking to the general manager. He pressed the button, and the elevator door opened slowly. He held Su Xiao straight and walked out. He walked firmly without stopping.

This is the end of this chaotic night.

Only leave that smell total a person to stamp a foot heavily, curse in the heart: "I fuck! The duck in the mouth is flying again

It's been a long time since he had such a strong possessiveness for a woman!

Just like Lin Shanshan is just a dessert delivered to the door. It doesn't matter to have fun. It's OK to dump it.

However, the woman he wanted so much was robbed by Ouyang!

He had already reacted just now, but now he is full of flames and has no place to vent his anger!

After thinking about it, he pressed another button of the elevator, and the elevator slowly sent him up.

With a smile of desire on his face, his hand slowly untied his bow tie.

With a sinister smile on his lips, he said slowly, "well, since my sister has run away, there is my sister I'd like to show you that I'm not so easy to kill... "

Ouyang looked at Su Xiao's white face, and his heart was sour and sour.

A few hours ago, Su Xiao was at the door of the banquet hall. When he called him, a burst of joy filled his heart.

He thought she had finally figured it out and was willing to give herself a chance. But soon Huo Sheng's voice came from the phone, and then there was a sharp noise. The walkie talkie must have been broken.

At that time, he had an impulse to rush to the banquet hall to see what happened, and what the overbearing and self righteous Huo Sheng was doing!

He also has a strong sense of self-esteem, and he is not allowed to be insulted in this way!

he also has a strong sense of self-esteem

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