"You get me the best doctor! Doctors in America don't care how much they spend! My son can't do anything! Do you know who he is? He's the CEO! The most famous person in a city! If anything happens to him, I'll make you all lose your heads! Did you hear me or not

This woman is naturally old lady Huo, Xie Mudan.

Next to him, a doctor with gray hair and gentle appearance wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and comforted Xie Mudan: "Madam Huo, the current situation of Mr. Huo is not optimistic. Let alone invite American doctors, even if it is to ask the best doctor in the world, it is useless to rush in now!"

Xie Mudan wailed and roared: "what's wrong with him? You've checked it. His body hasn't suffered much damage, and his internal organs have no fatal problem. What's going on?"

The doctor wiped the sweat on his head and explained cautiously: "Madam Huo, general Huo's body organs have not suffered much damage, and the blood loss is not serious. However, his injuries are mainly concentrated in the brain. Concussion occurred. The current situation is not optimistic. Although medicine is now, the research on the brain is still the tip of the iceberg, and there is a huge field We are still waiting for us to develop and Research... "

"Come on! Don't talk to me Xie Mudan's eyes shot out the same light as a dagger, which made the doctor feel cold.

Xie Mudan's lips were dry and cracked, and he roared: "what damage has been done to his brain? You can pay as much as you want. You must make him wake up and wake him up... "

Speaking of the back, the woman who was always cold as a witch, her voice had already trembled!

These days, she was very haggard, and she was ten years old.

The doctor looked at her haggard face and sighed in his heart. It has been three days since Huo's accident.

During these three days, he did not wake up, as if his thoughts were no longer in this world.

It is strange to say that Huo and his mother, Mrs. Huo, sat in the car and were hit head-on by an oncoming car on the seaside Avenue, causing a serious accident.

However, at that moment, Mr. Huo's head hit the windshield, causing serious injury and concussion -

here we are today

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