Now, even the most authoritative experts in the world say that he has 80% hope to become a vegetable. How can she stand it?

Lin Zhu's heart is also like a knife. However, if Huo Sheng has anything to ask for, his shares will naturally be handed over to his only immediate relative, Xie Mudan. As long as he can win over Xie Mudan, he will not worry about no benefits.

She calmed down again and asked the doctor, "he will wake up in three days. Is there any way to stimulate him to wake him up?"

The doctor shook his head. "Miss, are you the patient's fiancee?"

Lin Zhu nodded: "yes!"

"You are his fiancee. The old lady was his biological mother just now. You two should be his closest people in the world. But he didn't wake up after you called him by his side for so long. I think other stimulation will not work any more!"

The American expert shook his head, and there was a faint flash in his blue eyes: "maybe according to what you Chinese say, you can only obey the fate..."

Lin Zhu sits on the ground

At this moment, her phone rang suddenly.

The phone call is from Lin Shanshan. Lin Shanshan's voice is very anxious: "sister, why is the first finals of" voice of roses "scheduled for tomorrow temporarily cancelled?"

Since Huo Sheng's car accident, Lin Zhu and Xie Mudan have discussed this news, which must not be spread out.

Especially when the doctor explained that his condition was very serious, Lin Zhu was also used to seeing the world. If this matter was publicized, Longlin's stock would fall sharply!

You know, Huo Sheng is the soul and life of this giant enterprise.

What's more, I don't know how Huo Sheng's condition will be, and now we can't let slip the news.

Otherwise, if those reporters and paparazzi swarm to find out the news that this big man may become a vegetable, it must be a disaster to Longlin!

Even her own status will be affected!

Now the reason why she can be like a queen in "charming women" is not because everyone cares about Huo Sheng's face.

If Huo Sheng doesn't wake up again, she will be kicked immediately!

Therefore, Xie Mudan and Lin Zhu only told the secret to Cao Lei. Cao Lei had been in Longlin for many years and understood that the market was unpredictable. Therefore, they only announced that Mrs. Huo had returned from the United States, and Mr. Huo took the old lady to Europe for sightseeing. The time of his return was uncertain.

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