Completely regard his one heart to her as selfish, fighting game.

This is retribution.

In this world, it is fair indeed.

Waste other people's feelings at will, doomed to retribution.

Now she realized that, at least, at the moment Huo Sheng put the necklace on her, his heart was in her place.

Just, she let him down!

Maybe she will never see him again in this life.

Don't know when, that kind of revenge flame in her heart burning has not been so urgent.

What she wants to do now is another thing. She wants to meet Huo Sheng again, look into his eyes and say sorry to him

After finishing this sentence, two people can say goodbye to each other. But she really wanted to say sorry to him

Sorry, when you love me the most, I let you down like that!

Ouyang was aware of her emotion, and Su Xiao did not forget her love for Huo Sheng. Even if a person sat beside him, his heart was still tied to the man.

Always magnanimous, gentle as spring breeze, he finally tasted the taste of jealousy in his heart. He tried to suppress his emotions, but a regret still swept through his heart.

he was too negative before, which was tantamount to pushing Xiaoxiao to Huo Sheng in disguise.

And now, she has been addicted to it, how can not wake up.

Ouyang swears in his heart that this time he won't let her fly. This time, he must keep her by his side!

He held her hand more tightly, put his chin on her forehead and said slowly, "don't think about him any more! I regret that I didn't stop you from approaching him... "

"It's useless to stop some things!" She calmly opened her mouth and broke free from his arms. "Elder martial brother, I really appreciate your kindness to me. You are always so perfect in my heart..."

Ouyang looked at her with a bitter smile, "are you sending me a good card? I'm a good man, but you don't like it, do you? "

"I didn't like you..." She was silent for a long time before she said, "at a certain moment, I even feel that I will like you very much. However, the human heart is a fragile and changeable thing, and I can't control myself!"

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