For the first time in many years, Xie Mudan showed such feelings to his son.

Before that, she thought many times about what she would do if Huo Sheng didn't wake up again

Now that she had held the worst thought and saw her son wake up, she naturally put down the cold disguise temporarily. It's instinctive.

Sheng'er After all, it's her only hope in the world

Huo Sheng looked at her blankly and said slowly, "madam, are you my mother?"

Xie Mudan seemed to have been hit hard. He stepped back and looked at his son in amazement: "sheng'er, you How do you... " James explained: "Mr. Huo has lost part of his memory temporarily, but it doesn't matter. In time, it should be restored."

"In time? So How long will that take? "

Xie Mudan's face was full of shock, but Lin Zhu in the side realized that this was an excellent opportunity!

Her Sheng has lost her memory. My God, it seems to be bad news, but it is actually good news that never happened again!

She was so shrewd that she immediately realized that the benefits that could be brought to her were enormous!


She put one hand on Xie Mudan's shoulder and said softly, "Auntie, don't be sad. Sheng's memory will recover soon! Besides, it's good to forget all the unpleasant things in the past. "

Then, she straightened her hair, adjusted her most gentle expression, and gave Huo Sheng a smile: "Sheng, maybe you don't remember me? I am pearl, your fiancee, and we shall be married in three months

Huo Sheng looked at the woman in front of her.

There is no doubt that she is a beautiful woman with long wavy hair and a charming face. Although there is a kind of worldly light in her eyes, she is indeed a beautiful beauty with concave and convex figure. Even if she only wears a simple skirt, it can not cover up the infuriating curve.

Is she his fiancee? It seems that their own eyes seem to be ok

However, when looking at the woman who claimed to be his fiancee, why did he feel that his heart didn't palpitate at all

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