Even though it was raining heavily, the light was dark, and his thoughts were almost indistinct, Su Xiao still felt that this hand had a sense of deja vu

So elegant, as if walking on the edge of the piano, you can tap the fingers of people's hearts

It's impossible for her to jump! How can you see that man in the wild mountains?

That man can't be here at all!

Must be oneself too cold, appeared the illusion!

The owner of that hand found that she was stunned, and then extended his hand down again, and the finger was hooked, which meant that she should grasp it quickly.

She wanted to go up first, and then she moved slowly towards the hand.

Maybe it's because the action range is too big, and the stone on the foot is trampled down by her again!

Now her place is less than 30 square centimeters. She sticks her slender body on the stone wall and reaches out her hand, trying to hold it!

As if that was her only hope!

At this moment, there was a gust of wind!

Her skirt floats in the air, the whole person seems to be about to fly in the wind, her arms are numb, or nearly!

She just felt numb!

Ear is the abyss, she tried to stand on tiptoe, the rain hit on the face, very cold, good pain.

the man's voice was lazy with a trace of inquiry: "come here, hold on to my hand!"

Why is this voice so familiar? In the dark, she seems to have strength, and the blood that is about to freeze starts to flow

She stretched out her hand mechanically, which succeeded. Her little hand was tightly held in her hand by that hand!

Then, with a little force, the man soon pulled her up from the rock.

She fell and sat on the ground, her body was full of scars, at this time it was all dark, the rain still did not stop, hit her wound, she felt the whole body a burst of pain.

However, even such pain is not comparable to the indescribable feeling in her heart when she sees who this person is at the moment when the lightning lights up!

Never tried to have such a complex feeling in the heart, surprise, unbelievable, helpless, joy, light loss, mixed into the bottom of my heart sour mood!

She opened her mouth and gazed at the man in front of her!

The man's clothes have been soaked, but a clear-cut face, handsome as the Greek mythology Ivory carved into the statue of a beautiful boy.

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