"What about the contract?" she said? If you have the ability, you can take it out

Su Xiao a smile, will shoulder that heavy as if there are dozens of pounds of backpack hard on the ground, dust has landed.

Seeing this, Lin Shanshan covered her nose and stepped back: "it stinks My perfume today is painted white. "

Su Xiao opened his backpack calmly.

In the backpack, it's almost a portable desk.

There are post it notes, folders, glue, all kinds of ink pens, even a few thick legal textbooks and a half used Internet book.

No wonder she's so big!

be struck dumb - a superb collection of beautiful things from mascara, lipstick to thickened chest stickers.

And in Su Xiao's bag Where is like a national draft competition finals player, is simply a self-study class of college students.

She didn't care about other people's different eyes, turned her head sideways, and skillfully turned out a contract from countless things.

The paper has been crumpled, but the white and black characters are still very dazzling!

She looked around the crowd, picked up the contract and raised it. Her voice was not loud, but it was very clear:

"this contract was signed with Longlin group when we got the tickets for the national competition. We are Party A, and the representative of Party B wrote in black and white the president of Longlin group, Huo Sheng, and stamped the official seal of Longlin group! Mr. Liang, I read it correctly! It is clearly stated in the contract that all the 20 players before the national finals have the right to receive all training. Other organizers and teachers should try their best to provide convenience for all players and ensure that they can play to the best level on the field

She read it word by word, and then she threw the contract to the ground!

"Teacher, this contract says that you are obliged to cooperate with our training, can you understand it?"

Liang Lan's face turned white, but he hummed: "the contract says we should try our best to cooperate, but you have no respect and despise discipline. How can we cooperate?"

"No respect? Defiance of discipline? " Su Xiao curved lips a smile, "I was just 5 minutes late, was put on this kind of big hat?"

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