It's well wrapped, and there's still some temperature left.

The quilt was still tightly covered on her body, but when the people around her took off completely, she didn't know.

She knew that she was not sleeping well. Sometimes she would be kicked to the ground by the quilt. Now the cover is neat and meticulous.

he must have tucked himself in several times in the evening.

Alas This male nanny

She looked at his sleeping face with love.

Huo Sheng was still in his sleep. He was in a daze. His usual cool posture on his face was no longer seen. He was like a child. His mouth was slightly open, and his thick eyelashes covered his cheek. If it wasn't for his exciting outline, it would be silly.

Feeling that Su Xiao was looking at him, he turned over in a daze, stretched out his arm and hugged Su Xiao subconsciously. At the same time, he murmured: "don't make any noise, wife. I'm sleepy..."

as soon as he turned around, Su Xiao couldn't help crying out loud

It turned out that he was curled up there. Although he didn't have an inch on his body, he didn't see any key parts at all

However, he rolled over like this, and the sheet was rolled up immediately, under the firm abdomen (omit n word)

Su Xiao's face was immediately hot. If you don't look at it, you'll have to look at it again!

My ass moved. I'm shy.

Huo Sheng reached out and touched her, but she didn't touch her sweet, soft and warm body. Her eyes had not opened, and her mouth was already murmuring: "where are you, wife? Give my husband a hug! It's still early. Would you like to have a sleep with it... "

When Su Xiao saw him like that, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to pull his ear: "if you want to sleep, you can continue to sleep, I'll go first!"

"Don't Don't go! Sleep with me

Now I heard that Su Xiao was going to leave. Huo Sheng, the president, finally opened his noble eyes. However, his eyes were pathetic, like a dog abandoned by his owner. His thick eyelashes covered his deep eyes, and laipi said, "don't go! Wife, you are gone, I sleep here alone, I will be afraid

Su Xiao was so excited by him that he was so angry and funny that he stretched out his hand and pulled his nose

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