Professor Ning's face turned white. After a long time, he wanted to say something, but he still stopped. He waved his hand and said, "well, it's your young people's world. Go to the cinema."

Su Xiao quickly apologized: "Professor, I'm sorry..."

"It's OK. Your husband is a domineering man. The afterlife is daunting. Ha ha, you can have a good time today."

"But Professor, I haven't sorted out the lecture notes yet..."

"It can be sorted out at any time. Young people should know how to enjoy life. Let's go. I'm not here as a light bulb!"

Professor Ning, smiling kindly, waved his hand and left.

Huo Sheng pulls Su Xiao out of the teaching building and follows with more than n eyes along the way.


Su Xiao said with a wry smile: "you've made me famous in the school by N times today..."

"Why? Isn't that good? " Huo Sheng was shameless, "do you know that I paid half a fan of sofa at least in order to hold your court today?"

Two million dollars today, which is worth half a sofa in his office.

"What half fan sofa?"

Su Xiao was shocked. Although she thought that there were too many people to listen to today's lecture, she didn't expect it was Huo Sheng!

Huo Sheng coughed slightly. Originally, he didn't want to tell the secret to Xiaoxiao, but it was hard to take back the words.

"Anyway I just spent some money anyway! But forget it, don't ask! That's not much! Aren't you going to invite me to the cinema? Come on, come on

Su Xiao was smart, but began to be busy with the class, thinking all over the courseware, did not think about what happened.

Looking at Huo Sheng's flickering eyes, she suddenly understood.

He grabbed Huo Sheng's collar, raised his eyebrows and asked, "you You can't say that the people who came to my class today Did you pay for it? "

"Well, I didn't say that." Huo Sheng looked at Su Xiao's expression and knew that the stubborn little girl had another thread in the dead end of the alley. She had known that she would not have let slip her tongue. He regretted a thousand and ten thousand times, but it was useless to regret!

Su Xiao's expression changed extremely seriously: "you say, you say!"

Here we are today.

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