But she is not a star in the entertainment industry. She is just having a class in the school. She only hopes that those students who are really interested in this topic will come to listen to it and discuss it. She does not want to come to see her is a group of people who come here for a few money and have no interest in her topic. They only know how to make fun of themselves and don't know what they say after listening for a long time!

Even such a simple purpose, also need to show?

Do you need eye popping, too?

What pure and simple things are left in this world?

Her heart was a little cold at the thought of it.

Maybe, she is too naive, too naive.

However, she really hoped that the world would not be so complicated.

She just wanted to live simply.


She had to tell him what she thought.

Turning her head slowly, she looked at Huo Sheng indifferently: "what I am angry about is not that you pay someone to come to see my lecture, but I am angry that you don't ask me my opinion about anything you do. You are such a dictatorial and overbearing person. I have already understood it. But I didn't expect that you would be so quick and strong to intervene in my life Do you know, I'm so scared... "

Huo Sheng rushed up and dragged her into his arms, kissing her on the forehead and the brow of her wildly!

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean I get involved in your life? Shouldn't our lives be one? Do we have each other's lives, our own lives? Why do you say that! Do you know that makes me sad! "

At this time, on the road, college students are staring at them.

Some of them had just seen the lecture and knew their identities. They were whispering with some complicated factors in their eyes.

Su Xiao couldn't stand it. He pushed Huo Sheng aside. "Don't talk about it here. Go out and talk about it!"

"Why not here!" Huo Sheng's domineering temper broke out again. She locked her arms with both hands and pulled her into his arms, ignoring her crying pain, "you are my woman. No matter where you are, you are my woman! If you don't speak to me clearly today, I won't leave! "

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