CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 114: Scared her

Chapter 114 Scared To Her

"You don't have to deny it, in fact, I know, you like Qingyun, right? It's nothing, like a person without shame." Huo Xiwen spread his hands.

Su Yanhao didn't speak. He looked coldly at Huo Xiwen's vibrant little face, and stood up from the sofa for a long time. "Get off early, it's late."

Huo Xiwen felt he was running away from the topic.

Perhaps it was because he didn't want to let her know his feelings for Luo Qingyun.

My heart began to secretly thank myself that I chose to spend money to hire a man to impersonate the man he loved, so as to end their wonderful marriage.

If he really tells Su Dihao about the divorce, he will definitely not agree.

Su Haohao is a man who must report, so it is to enemies, and it is also to benefactors.

She saved his life, so he would do whatever it takes to help her.


In the next few days, Huo Xiwen maintained close contact with Ye Ziquan. In the process of the two people's continuous exchanges, Ye Ziquan faithfully played a role of admirer.

Slowly, as the two became more and more familiar with each other, Huo Xiwen figured that the timing was about the same, and he could get him on stage.

The night before she was about to introduce Ye Ziquan to Su Yinghao, Huo Xiwen received a call from his girlfriend Peng Cailing for help, "Xi Wen, help me quickly, Zhang Bin is derailed."

When Huo Xiwen heard the phone, he said nothing, changed his clothes and went out to "catch and rape".

City Y at midnight, the lights are brilliant ...

Loud music was deafening in the Queen's Bar.

Huo Xiwen looked at Peng Cailing with a serious face at the closed door of the luxury box: "Is it right here?"

Peng Cailing nodded and wiped the tears on his face with his hand, his voice choked: "Ruan Mei said she saw Zhang Bin and a woman entering the 999 box."

"Okay, don't cry, for such an unreliable man, why? You just wait outside and see how I can clean him up after I enter."

Huo Xiwen said, took a deep breath, took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and shoved the box door open, shouting loudly: "Zhang Bin, you bastard, are you worthy of mining?"

She had just finished speaking, but suddenly found that the situation in the box seemed different from what she expected.

There are no dogs and men who are "stealing", some are just a man in black with a cold pistol pointing at a man who is kneeling on the ground. The man dangles his head, his body shaking, on the sofa in front of him. There was a handsome, cold-looking young man sitting.

Huo Xiwen's arrival directly made everyone in the box's eyes look at the door, and even made the box's atmosphere suddenly strange.

"No ... sorry, I seem to be looking for the wrong place ..." She quickly responded, apologizing to everyone in the box.

Then, I decided to leave the room.

However, she did n’t have time to quit, but she heard the cry of the kneeling man: "Fu Shao, please give me another chance and give me three days, I will definitely pay the money owed to you, I Girlfriend, my girlfriend's family is rich. Have you heard of Zhao Group? My girlfriend is Miss Qianjin of Zhao Group ... "

Why is this sound so familiar?

Huo Xiwen couldn't help looking at the source of that voice.

The man with his head down had already raised his head at this moment, and looked with horror at the corner of his mouth sitting on the sofa with a sneer Fu Muzhen.

"Ye Ziquan ..." Huo Xiwen was sure she didn't dazzle. She didn't care so much, and rushed up in a single stride.

And Peng Cailing behind her also saw the situation in the box early, and saw Huo Xiwen rushing over. She reached out and tried to hold her. Without holding her, she had to be scared to stand at the door, and did not dare to come forward.

Kneeling on the ground, Ye Ziquan heard Huo Xiwen's voice and quickly turned his head. When he could see Huo Xiwen who had come to his side, his eyes flickered slightly, but soon, he looked back at Fu Muyu in front of him. "Fu Shao, look, this is my girlfriend Huo Xiwen, the young lady of the Huo Group ..."

Huo Xiwen's head was a little dazed. She couldn't figure out what the current situation is, but after contacting Ye Ziquan for a while, she felt that others were pretty good, and she couldn't sit still and settle her mind. Fearing those black hole muzzles around him, he looked at Ye Ziquan with a calm look and asked, "Ziquan, what the **** is going on here? Why are you here? Who are they?"

Ye Ziquan opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to justify it.

At this time, a middle-aged man standing next to Fu Muzhen said, "Miss Huo, Ye Ziquan owes our master 10 million. He said that you would pay the debts for him. Since you are the money of the Huo Group, it must be 10 million It's not a big number for you. "

"Why ... what? Ten million?" Huo Xiwen's eyes widened instantly when he heard the number.

She looked at Ye Ziquan in wonder: "What's going on? Why do you owe them so much money?"

Ye Ziquan turned around and kneeled to Huo Xiwen, reaching out and hugging her legs: "Xi Wen, you must save me this time, if you don't save me, I have no money to pay back, they will kill me ... Your Huo family is so rich, 10 million is not a big number for you, you must not see death or save ... "

Talking, tears followed.

Huo Xiwen worked hard to calm herself down. She took a deep breath and looked at Fu Muzhen, who was sitting on the sofa and never said a word, "Fu Shao, right? Can you trouble your people first? keep it?"

Fu Muzhen lifted her eyelids slightly, and her eyes fell lightly on Huo Xiwen, who was pretending to be calm. The orange light made her white skin more delicate. The delicate and lovely features were distributed in the palm of your hand according to the golden ratio. On the small face, 160's small figure now seems to be extremely powerful.

The beautiful big eyes were looking at him brilliantly, and there was obvious uneasiness hidden in the unyielding and stubborn eyes.

His hand was raised slightly, his fingers were slightly bent, and the men in black suits all around put their guns back.

Huo Xiwen saw those people put away their guns, and her expression was slightly relaxed. She looked at Fu Muzhen with vigilance and said, "Mr. Fu, I don't know why Ye Ziquan owes you so much money, but you are so forced. It is illegal for people to pay back money. Ten million is not a small amount. Even if you want to pay back money, please give him some time to prepare. "

"Three days." Fu Muzhen looked at her expressionlessly, and spit out two words coldly.

"Three days? How is that possible?" Huo Xiwen shook her head quickly. She knew very well that Ye Ziquan had no money at all: "For such a short time, he was afraid that he would not be able to make so much money."

"Two days!" Fu Muzhen looked at her, got up from the sofa, hands lazily stuck in his pants pockets, and walked out softly and quietly: "At this time the day after tomorrow, if there is no money, then Get ready to collect him. "

After that, people have come to the door.

Huo Xiwen looked at his long back, fearing for a while.

The men in black suits followed him out of the box.

After everyone left, Peng Cailing rushed in from the door with a look of panic, looking at the place standing still, shaking slightly, and pale with Huo Xiwen, immediately concerned: "Xi Wen, how are you? Feeling still Alright? What the **** is going on? Who was that man just now? "

Where can Huo Xiwen answer these questions from Peng Cailing, she strove hard and looked at herself beside her with a cold sweat, she sat paralyzed on the ground, Ye Ziquan, reached out and grabbed his shoulder, and asked, "Ye Ziquan, tell me, What the **** is this? Why do you owe this so much less? "

Ye Ziquan's mood gradually calmed down at this moment, recovering from the initial fear, he clenched Huo Xiwen's hand tightly with both hands, and regretfully said: "Miss Huo, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to affect you. All of this It's my fault, it's my fault ... I've caused this trouble, and I'll definitely figure it out by myself, so just leave it alone. "

Huo Xiwen sneered, "If you can solve it by yourself, they will be pointed at by guns today? I am asking you why you owe them so much money, but you tell me."

"Wait, Xiwen, you said that the surname was just paid? He shouldn't be ..." Peng Cailing seemed to remember something, and her expression was tight, and she said immediately, "Ye Ziquan, shouldn't you be a gambling debt? Right? "

Ye Ziquan heard his words and quickly shook his head. "No, no."

"Not a gambling debt? What kind of debt is that? How can you owe him such a large sum of money?" Peng Cailing obviously did not believe what Ye Ziquan said.

Ye Ziquan pulled his face, his face was ashamed, "You know that I recently lacked money, my mother has leukemia, and needs a bone marrow transplant, but I don't have that much money. Mr. Fu is my big customer at a financial company. Some time ago, he I happened to have a large amount of money in our company and asked me to help him with the operation. I received inside information that the stock price of Mars Energy would skyrocket, so for a moment, he took Mr. Fu's money and all the Mars energy stocks. As a result ... "

"What happened?" Huo Xiwen asked.

"What can you do? Seeing his decline, he must have paid it all in, and let that Mr. Fu know before he forced him to pay it back." Peng Cailing said indignantly aside.

"It was because I was kicked by the donkey that I did this kind of thing. Now because of this matter, I was fired by the company and I didn't even have a job. How can I have money to pay Mr. Fu ..." Ye Ziquan said, His face paled.

It seems he is really scared.

"You also know that you were kicked by the donkey and you dared to steal less money. This time you are dead, even the gods can't save you. I warn you, don't drag me and Xiwen into the water, otherwise "You look good." Peng Cailing gave him a stern glance, warning.

Huo Xiwen heard the words, turned around and asked, "Cai Ling, do you know how much this pays?"

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