CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 121: Reconciled

Chapter 121

"I just kindly advise you. If you don't listen, I can't help it."

She had already said what she had to say, and all she could persuade. Luo Qingyun was not a nosy person. If Jiang Yan insisted on seeking death, she would be willing to bury.

"Hum, don't you cat cry and rat false mercy, aren't you just afraid that I will marry Su family? I tell you, Su family, I'm married. You go back and tell your mother-in-law, if she knows, Just sign the divorce agreement earlier, don't wait until my child is born, and bring the child to the door, so no one's face looks good. "Jiang Yanxin's face was aggressive and aggressive.

"Jiang Minxin, aren't you really afraid?" Luo Qingyun didn't know where she came from, and she bragged with her mother-in-law.

"What am I afraid of? Couldn't it be for her? He Fen dare to find someone to come to my house to trouble me? Don't think her mother is terrible, I'm afraid of her. Now it is her husband who wants to divorce her, and she locks Living in Su Wanbo's heart told her not to come to me again. "

"That being the case, then I have nothing to say. I will tell you what you say, and ask for your own blessing." Luo Qingyun's last tone was a little threatening, and she hoped Jiang Minxin would calm down and think Be clear, don't talk for a while.

She got up and turned to prepare to go out. Jiang Minxin looked at her back and suddenly called her, "Luo Qingyun, what would you say if Su Qize knew that I was pregnant with his father's child? I heard his heart not too good."

Luo Qingyun heard the words, stopped suddenly and looked back, "Jiang Xinxin, how dare you!"

"Dare? Why don't I dare? Isn't your mother-in-law not willing to give me a way to live? Then I let her son have no way to live." Jiang Yan's smile on his face showed that she was really out of the way.

"If you don't want Su Qize to know about this matter, then you can go back and persuade your mother-in-law to let her obediently sign the divorce agreement, and get together with Su Wanbo, and not make things to the most embarrassing situation. , Both remain decent. "

Luo Qingyun didn't speak, and his cold eyes deeply looked at Jiang Yanxin's distorted expression, turned, and went out.

When Xie Yue'e came out of the kitchen, she found that Luo Qingyun had disappeared, and Jiang Yanxin sat on the sofa with a proud look.

"Well, what about Qingyun?" Xie Yue'e could not help but ask.

"Leave, Xie Yue'e, you better take care of your daughter and let her not worry about it, otherwise, I must make her look good." Jiang Yanxin threatened.

Xie Yue'e heard the words, but was not afraid, and just laughed, "What are you talking about? Qingyun, our family, doesn't like to gossip. If she is gossip, you think you and your parents-in-law can only be dealt with now. Anyone know? "

"What do you mean by this?" Jiang Yan heard the words, his expression changed.

"It's not interesting, I just want to tell you, as long as you don't mess with our family, Qingyun, she's definitely not going to worry about it. Breakfast is already ready, put it on the table, you can eat it yourself." Xie Yue'e finished the sentence Then, with a sneer, turned upstairs.

Jiang Xun looked at the back of Xie Yue'e's departure, and felt a resentment in her heart.

It turned out that Luo Qingyun knew about her and Su Wanbo long ago. Then, was n’t she looking at all her abnormal reactions at the Su family last time as a joke?

I didn't expect her to be so tolerant, she always pretended not to know.

It seems that Luo Qingyun is not as simple as she thinks.

Perhaps in the future, she wants to marry Su's family, and Luo Qingyun will be her biggest stumbling block.

No, she has to move this stone early! !!


It's too early to get out of Jiang's house.

On the way back, through the city center, happened to pass by Huo's Group.

Luo Qingyun remembered that he suddenly disappeared after eating with He Meixin last time, but she has never contacted her. She should ask her to have a meal and apologize to her.

So he asked the driver to stop the car, took out his mobile phone, and dialed He Meixin's phone.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

Luo Qingyun thought that she might be busy, so she asked the driver to park her car in the parking lot, get out of the car, and walk to the Huo Group Building.

He Meixin was having a coffee break in the tea room.

When she returned to her seat, she saw that there was a missed call in her mobile phone. It was Luo Qingyun's call.

Because she did not say goodbye last time, and never received her message from the back, she was energetic, so she encouraged her cheeks and did not want to call back.

Not long after, the landline on the table rang.

She grabbed the phone and heard a report from the front desk saying that a young lady named Luo was looking for her.

He Meixin was very happy to hear the news, but soon her face sank again, and she said on the phone that she was temporarily unavailable, and let her wait, willing to wait, not willing to wait Never mind.

Hanging up the phone, she was sitting in the seat, she had no mind at all to work, and even the comfortable office chair made her feel like a pinch at this moment.

She watched the time on the phone silently, ten minutes, and let her wait ten minutes. If ten minutes later, she went down to the front desk and Luo Qingyun was still there, then forgive her previous behavior.

If she's gone after ten minutes, she'll be fine.

Time passed by minute by minute, and her heart was suffering.

After finally waiting for the eighth minute, she was afraid that Luo Qingyun would leave. She talked nonsense to the neighbor at the next table, and ran to the stairwell without even taking the elevator. She ran downstairs.

When she arrived at the front desk on the first floor, she did not see Luo Qingyun at all.

I asked the lady at the front desk, only to hear the other person said, Luo Qingyun went out.

He Mei's heart was angry and upset.

She was so annoyed that Luo Qingyun couldn't wait for such a moment, and was annoyed that she shouldn't be so affectionate, knowing that today she is no longer the original Luo Qingyun, and her time is more expensive than anything, so she waited For myself, the result is good, people can't wait to leave.

Crying with a small face, she turned unhappy and prepared to go back upstairs.

But as he turned his head, he was pleasantly surprised to find a familiar figure, carrying a large package of snacks, and walked in from the door.

Because she is pregnant and has a big belly, she is struggling to walk.

"Qingyun ..."

It turned out she didn't leave!

He Meixin felt that his heart suddenly turned from cold winter to warm spring, and his heart blossomed.

She hurriedly ran to her, reached out to take the big bag in her hand, and complained slightly. "Why did you go? Why don't you wait for me here?"

Luo Qingyun wiped the thin sweat on his forehead and laughed, "I heard the front desk say that you are busy today, afraid that you will be too busy at noon to eat well, so I went to the next door and bought you a lot of delicious food, ready Find someone to help you bring it up. "

"Well, who wants you to buy me food? I thought you were not willing to wait for me and have gone." Although He Meixin was still a little angry, her heart was warm.

She knew, how could Qingyun be such a person?

"Meixin, the last thing was wrong. I shouldn't leave it alone, but because of something unexpected, I didn't have the time to inform you ..." Luo Qingyun knew that she was mindful of the last thing, so Busy explained.

"Forget it, you can come to me, I'm not angry anymore, just Qingyun, please don't do this in the future, do you know how worried I am about you? Call you and turn off the phone, and the phone will not return."

"The phone is out of power. When I turn on the phone, there are too many missed calls. All of them are information prompts. I can't read them, so I might ignore your one."

"That's the case. I said, I thought you didn't want to buy me a gift, so you ran away." He Meixin said, laughing.

"Stupid girl, what gift do you want, I will buy it for you today, and buy everything for you." Luo Qingyun laughed.

"You said, then you can sit here for a while. It's still an hour and a half before we get off work at noon. I'll go upstairs and ask for a leave from our manager. Let's go shopping. Noon you'll buy me a luxurious meal. "He Meixin was not polite to her. After speaking, she took the snacks and went upstairs.

Luo Qingyun sat down in the rest area and waited for her not long before she saw her carrying her bag and jumping out of the elevator with a happy look.

They held their hands and swept to the mall.

Although He Meixin was shopping with the attitude of fiercely killing Luo Qingyun, when she saw the beautiful bags in the counter, they were all so expensive, and suddenly she couldn't bear it.

So I walked for a long time and didn't buy anything.

Luo Qingyun knew that she always said a lot in her mouth, and she could not bear it at the critical moment, so she chose the luxury bag she thought was best for her and stuffed it into her arms.

He Mei shook her head when she saw this, and refused to.

Luo Qingyun said, "Hold it, I should have bought it for you already."

"Qing Yun, this is Chanel, it's expensive." A bag of thirty thousand or forty thousand yuan is equivalent to her salary of three or four months, which tells her how to be willing.

"It doesn't matter, I can still afford a bag, you can rest assured." Luo Qingyun looked at her with a smile, as long as she was happy, she would buy it for her.

He Meixin seemed to think of something at this time, and shook her head a little embarrassed. "Look at me, I forgot that you are now Mrs. Su, and you have some money."

"Meixin, it doesn't matter if I have money or not, I just want you to be happy. Before I had no money, you didn't hate me, and you helped me so much, gave me half the bed, compared with those, one The bag is nothing at all. "

"That's right, I would cook instant noodles for you at that time." He Meixin said, and reached out and touched her belly. "Little guy, do you remember the instant noodles I cooked for you? Cutie. "

They talked and laughed again.

After buying the bag, Luo Qingyun took He Meixin to the women's clothing department and bought her two exquisite OL outfits. The two of them carried the loot and happily went to the restaurant downstairs for a meal.

The two entered the restaurant, and the waiter arranged for them to sit down by the window. He Meixin took the menu and started to make some features.

Luo Qingyun looked around unconsciously with his eyes, but suddenly found a familiar figure coming in from the door and went straight into the box.

Su Qize, why is he here? Did you meet anyone?

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