CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 152: came back

Chapter 152

"Can't today. Mommy has to take you to the hospital first, make arrangements for your hospitalization, and settle you, then go to find your father and let him come to see you, OK?" Luo Qingyun walked as he walked Said.

"Can't you do it today? When will you wait? Mommy, don't you want to lie to me again?" Tuantuan raised her head and looked at her with distrust.

"..." Luo Qingyun sighed and couldn't help him, "You see we have been on this plane for a long time, and we are already very tired. Do you want your father to see us so embarrassed?"

"That's right, then you remember to dress up nicely when you meet your dad. I'm afraid dad will pretend you don't know you when you see you so unfeminine." Tuan Tuan thoughtfully told her Road.

"Okay, okay, it's awkward. Would you like to carry a small bag for yourself? You see, Mummy has a lot of luggage and can't make it." At the place where the luggage was taken, Luo Qingyun put himself on He carried a small bag belonging to Tuantuan and asked him.

"How can Mommy let me have such a small child with luggage? It's an adult's thing to take luggage. If you can't get it, why bring so much luggage? Mommy should not abuse the child." Tuantuan refused decisively. Luo Qingyun's proposal, hands in his pockets, said with a small head.

"It's not for you to take multiple things, and children can't be so lazy." Luo Qingyun was very speechless and didn't want to care about her son. She saw that her luggage had been carried out, so she told her to stand still Don't move, then ran to the luggage machine to pick up luggage.

When she pulled the suitcase off the machine and turned her head to look at the group, she found that the little one had disappeared.

Luo Qingyun was frightened, and began to look around to find his figure. Finally, on the other side of the baggage claim, he saw a small figure who was leaning against the wall.

She quickly walked around to Tuantuan, just about to criticize why he didn't want to run around, but when he heard the little guy shook his hair, he asked a beautiful lady in front of herself: "The rough work of carrying luggage should be given to a man Come on, this beautiful lady, I wonder if I have the honor to help you share the weight of your luggage? "

"Oh ... children, don't need it, my sister doesn't have much luggage, so you can take it by yourself." The pretty lady smiled and declined his assistance, then pulled the suitcase and went to the exit.

"Well, beauties are beauties, and their voices are so gentle." Tuantuan sighed as she looked at the beautiful lady's back.

"Tuantuan, you, a stinky kid with no conscience." Luo Qingyun finally couldn't help breaking out at this moment. She dropped her luggage in her hands and grabbed Tuantuan's head and rubbed it.

As a result, Luo Qingyun, carrying his own bag with tears in his face, was taken out of the airport and got on a taxi.


After arriving at the Children's Hospital that had already been contacted in advance, to complete the hospitalization procedures and settle down, it was already evening.

After dinner, Luo Qingyun took a beautiful sleep.

In the early morning of the next morning, when Luo Qingyun woke up, he found that Tuantuan had already woke up, and the nurse nurse who was sitting in bed and drawing blood was chatting.

"Really? I asked you to draw blood, would you really give me the phone number?" Tuantuan looked at the nurse with a peachy heart in her eyes and asked.

"Really, I promise not to lie to you. Come and give your little hand to your sister." The nurse nurse flickered gently, then raised his arm and began to disinfect and draw blood.

Luo Qingyun looked at the moment when the syringe was pierced into Tuantuan's arm. She had thought he would cry in pain. She was ready to cover her ears, but did not expect that the blood was drawn, and he did not cry. Finally, When the needle was pulled out, Tuantuan reached out and took his bag, and then pulled out a small book from it. The first sentence of the opening was: "Please write your phone number on this."

Luo Qingyun saw this, and a row of crows flew through her head. She did not expect that the beauty effect was so good in front of her son, even she was not afraid of injections and blood.

The nurse nurse smiled and wrote a series of numbers in that little book, and also wrote a name.

"Xiaoshui, your name sounds good." Tuantuan looked at the name on the book and said flatteringly.

"It's not Xiaoshui, it's Xiaobing. The water word plus two points of water to read the ice, you can't just recognize half of it, little brother." The nurse Xiaobing said, touching his little head.

Luo Qingyun heard the words and immediately said to the nurse with an embarrassment: "I'm sorry Miss nurse, he grew up in Spain since he was a child, so I don't know many Chinese characters, which makes you laugh."

"It doesn't matter, the child is still young, and learning things quickly, just teach more." The nurse said, then packed up the equipment and left.

"Xiaoshui, when will you come to see me again?" Tuantuan saw Miss Nurse ready to leave, and he asked immediately.

"It's Xiaobing." Luo Qingyun heard from the nurse and corrected in unison.

"You are obedient, I'll finish the work on my hands before I come to play with you." Xiao Bing said with a good temper.

"Well, do you like chocolate cakes? I have many, and I'll leave a few for you." Tuantuan nodded, and then tempted with food.

"Okay, then thank you." Xiao Bing finished and went out of the ward.

Luo Qingyun looked at her skillful picking skills and began to scorn in her heart silently, remembering that she was a bit hungry on the plane yesterday, and wanted to eat a piece of chocolate cake, but he refused to live or die. It looks like he was so generous in front of the beauty.

After getting up, she rinsed, changed a small black dress with a collar, and put a touch of makeup on her face, then ran to the front of the round and said: "How about baby, Mummy Is this pretty? "

"It would be perfect to wear a big white hat," Tuan Tuan said, jumping off the bed, then opening the suitcase on the side, flipping inside for a long time, and found a big white sunhat and a sunglasses.

"Uh ... wouldn't this be too exaggerated?" Luo Qingyun looked at Ou Fan's big hat in front of him and asked weakly.

"How else can you hook and catch Dad?" Tuan Tuan jumped to the bed with disapproval, then stood on the bed and put on Luo Qingyun's hat.

Luo Qingyun heard that, with a look of expression, she didn't plan to go to see Su Haohao. This time she returned home because she was annoyed by the group, so she brought him back, ready to perfunctory and stabilize his emotions. Take him back to Spain.

And she dressed up today to go to the cemetery to see Su Qize.

Four years ago, Su Qize died suddenly, and she was unable to attend his funeral. She left Y city and left for another country under the arrangement of Secretary Pan.

Failure to send Su Qize on the last trip has always been her biggest regret.

Seeing that Luo Qingyun didn't speak, Tuantuan helped her put on her hat and sunglasses, and looked inside the mirror, and she became a magnificent beauty.

"Okay, this is super perfect, go, cheer up Mommy." Tuantuan finally gave Luo Qingyun a "winning" gesture and watched her leave the room.


In the early summer cemetery, there was a tranquility.

Surrounded by towering trees, this quiet dress is lush.

The time at this time is 2:30 in the afternoon.

There were hardly any people in the cemetery.

Luo Qingyun held a bunch of flowers in his hand, walked up the steps, and went deep into the cemetery.

She knows that Su Qize liked quiet and unobtrusive before his death. When he came to him, he found that his last place of residence was the deepest place in the cemetery.

The black and white photo of the tombstone is his handsome young face.

A warm and sweet smile bloomed on his face.

It was like the image he had retained in her mind.

Bend over, put the flowers in hand in front of the tombstone, and gently stroke her fingers over some of the icy porcelain pictures, her mind emerged a little bit of the two together.

Tears blur my eyes instantly.

"Four years, Qi Ze, you are very lonely lying here alone." She choked a little, "I'm fine now, the baby in my stomach has been born, it's a boy called Tuantuan. I hope you still return Alive so you can see how naughty he is ... "

"Qizen, Tuan Tuan now asks me for my dad every day. I don't know what to do. If you are still alive, you can probably give me advice."

"Actually, I sometimes think about a problem. Tuan Tuan is already so big. He has the right to know his own life. Besides, I can't hide everything about his father all the time. One day, he will know his own. Who is my own father? Maybe I'm too selfish to stop him from meeting his father. I left with him back then because I was afraid that Su Haohao didn't believe that the child was his, which would make the child dangerous. But now he Already born, if Su Yinghao refuses to believe it, they can do a paternity test. "

"But I'm scared. If Su Zhihao knew that the child was really his, what would be the reaction. He should hate me very much, hate me for cheating him then, would he take the group away from me?"

"Qize, what do you say I should do?"

Luo Qingyun whispered to the tombstone, telling the contradiction and pain in his heart.

In these years, she lived alone with her children, and she had a lot of words in her heart, but no one could say.

After Luo Jingdi took her to Spain that year, settled their mother and son, became MSF, went to the support in the third world, and fulfilled his ideal.

Although the two brothers and sisters keep in touch, they see each other a few times a year.

Therefore, although Luo Qingyun has lived comfortably in these years, his heart is not easy.

Tuan Tuan's illness was always like a stone, and she was heavily pressed on her heart, making her breathless.

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