CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 170: Warm hug

170 Warm Hug

He Meixin was taken out of Peng's house by Luo Qingyun.

They went downstairs and got in the car.

"Miss Luo, where are we going now?" The driver asked.

"Anyway, as long as you leave here, everything is fine." Luo Qingyun finished, looking at her with her head hanging down, her face full of silence.

"Maxim, aren't you going to tell me something?" She asked.

In fact, she was very angry. She didn't understand why He Meixin became so weak today, and she could not resist even being oppressed by anyone.

This is simply not the weird girl she knows.

He Meixin raised her head, but her eyes were red, and tears were flashing. "What do you want me to say? This is my life, I have no choice."

"What does it mean that you have no choice? Can your parents accept them to treat you like this?" Luo Qingyun didn't believe it.

"What if you do n’t accept it? This son-in-law approved them. The baby in my stomach is about to have a baby. Now I am divorcing him, so that the child has no father?" He Meixin said, tears falling in despair Came down.

She didn't know how long she hadn't cried. After suffering so many grievances at the Peng family, at first she would cry and call her parents to complain.

But the parents just persuaded her to tell her to endure and tell her that the marriage life is like this. Don't call the maiden house with any grievances and take care of the feelings of her husband and in-laws.

Later, she really stopped calling and slowly adapted to the oppressed life.

People are like this. Once they are used to something, they will slowly accept it from their hearts and even recognize it.

She has now been completely smoothed by the people of the Peng family and has no temper.

Seeing her appearance, Luo Qingyun asked with a distressed expression, "Are you happy?"

"Qingyun, don't ask me, I beg you, let me live like this, my life is already like this, there is no possibility to become better than before. In short, from the perspective of outsiders, I'm married, I'm pregnant, and my life is a complete one. No one will point me at it. That's enough. "

"Meixin ... You ... Are you alive, just for the eyes of others?" Luo Qingyun couldn't believe it. Such a disheartened word would come out of He Meixin's mouth.

"Otherwise? I'm not you. I'm not as good as you. I married a wealthy man. Although my husband is dead, but you have money to spend, you can go anywhere you want and escape everyone's sight. But I can't. I want to face my family, my friends and relatives, you won't understand. "He Mei shook her head.

"I don't understand. I don't want to persuade you of divorce or anything, but you can at least resist it a bit and live in that house less tired. Maxim, I feel bad for you."

"Distressed?" He Mei heard the words, and suddenly laughed, "Qing Yun, do you think you are better than me now, all qualified to talk in front of me to interfere in my life?" "

Luo Qingyun didn't understand why she thought so, and her expression suddenly froze.

"Yes, I admit that my marriage to He Meixin was a failure, but this does not mean that I will accept your mercy. If you are really good for me, please give me a little dignity, and do n’t care about my business, okay He? "He Meixin said almost in a pleading tone.

Luo Qingyun heard the words and became silent.

She didn't expect that her kindness would be mistaken for her in the end.

"I didn't want to say anything in front of you. I didn't want to interfere in your life. I just want to be your friend. I don't want to see you live so hard. You should have a better life." With agitated emotions, his nose was sour.

"Friend? Do you really consider me a friend? Four years ago you left without saying goodbye, and now you suddenly appear, and you feel like you can be a savior to save me? Do you know? Before marrying Peng Zhenxiang, I hesitated , But my parents are very urging, and no one around me can give me advice. I used to think, if Qingyun is here, will she help me to see if this man is worth entrusting for life, if she is, yes It ’s not like I would n’t marry in such a haste. Unfortunately, you are not here, when I need you most. Now, everything has become a foregone conclusion, do n’t you think it ’s too late? ”He Meixin ’s eyes Red, with tears moving, looking at Luo Qingyun, said.

Luo Qingyun knew that she had not given up and did not hurt a lot of people, but she never thought that He Meixin would care so much about this matter.

She thought that, no matter what decision she made, Maxim's heart was understandable.

But now it seems that all this is just her own imagination, and understanding does not mean that she can accept it.

Maxim may understand her distress, but as her best friend, she cannot accept it.

Just as she can't accept Maxim's marriage to such a family now.

"Mr. driver, please stop by the side." He Meixin said to Luo Qingyun again: "I will not eat this meal. As for the money you gave my mother-in-law, I will pay you back later. "

Luo Qingyun looked at He Meixin beside her, her eyes lost.


In the evening, it was already eight o'clock when Su Shihao sent the group back. The group fell asleep in the car and was carried upstairs by Su Shihao. He still held a signature photo of the star tightly in his little hand. This was what Su Qihao instructed Qiu Qi to get, but he was so happy.

Give Tuan Tuan to Anna and take her to the room to sleep. He finds that Luo Qingyun is not in the living room, the door of the room is open, and no one is inside.

Annie knew that Su Yinghao was looking for Luo Qingyun's figure, walked to him, and whispered, "Mr. Su, Miss Luo is in the garden upstairs."

Su Yanhao heard the words, looked at Annie, wanted to say that she was not looking for Luo Qingyun, and heard Annie said, "Miss Luo seems to be in a bad mood today. After going out, she would return home with a word. I haven't said it, but I'm hiding tears secretly, and I don't know what happened. "

Her remarks suddenly made Su Shihao feel a little curious, lifted her feet, and headed towards the sky garden upstairs.

In the garden, Luo Qingyun curled up on a swing chair, covered with a thin blanket, looked like an injured baby, looked up at the moon in the sky, and didn't know what was in his mind.

When Su Yinghao walked to her, she didn't notice it.

"If you don't go back to bed to sleep, what is the nest here?" Thin lips lightly opened, his voice was not loud, low and magnetic, but still disturbed the slim figure on the swing.

Luo Qingyun heard Su Yinghao's voice, withdrew his gaze from the sky, looked at him, his eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

"Are you crying?" Su Yinghao looked at her cheeks with tears on her cheeks and frowned.

Luo Qingyun sucked his nose, raised his hand, wiped his face, and wiped away the tears that had dried up, his voice choking, "Where is it? I'll take a bath for him."

With that said, get up and leave.

Su Yinghao reached out and grabbed her, dragged her in front of herself and stood still. "Tuan Tuan has fallen asleep, I'm asking you now, why are you crying?"

"Nothing," she said casually.

"Luo Qingyun, you know I don't like to tell lies." Su Shihao frowned, her voice cold.

How could she be nothing like this now?

This stupid woman, like before, didn't say anything and hid in her heart.

Luo Qingyun looked up at Su Yinghao, and his beautiful eyes gathered with water mist again. "Su Yinghao, do you know? Someone told me today that my life is good."

Su Yinghao looked at her with a hint of doubt in her eyebrows.

"When my parents divorced, my father didn't hurt, and my mother didn't love me. I finally grew up. After marrying, my husband died, and my child had a serious illness. In my life, some people said that my life was good "Luo Qingyun said here, he felt ironic.

She never thought in her life that her chaotic life would be envied one day.

And now this ironic scene has happened, and those who admire her still know her best girlfriends.

"Is that why you are in a bad mood for this reason?" He asked, and in fact, she didn't have a good life growing up. He knew it best.

When they met for the first time, he saw the pitiful temperament on her, and his understanding later confirmed his suspicion about her.

Probably because she feels pitiful, but the bigger reason is because she likes it, she feels sorry for her and wants to help her.

After all, he knew himself and was not a soft-hearted person.

He wasn't quite sure of his own mind, so after an initial brief relationship, she announced that their relationship had ended so far, and he didn't want to continue.

Until then they met again in City X. Such a wonderful reunion suddenly made people who didn't believe their lives a little believe in fate.

She was as pitiful and pitiful as before.

It's like a kitten that was discarded by the owner.

But at this time, the kitten's paw had grown out, and one could accidentally scratch someone.

However, presumably because of this, he more and more aroused his affection for her, and finally determined his own heart, so that she truly became his woman.

I just didn't expect that the kitten's claws would not only scratch people, but also cause serious harm. He was caught by her without any attention.

Now listening to her talking about his unfortunate life, he still feels distressed.

"Su Yunhao, can you hug me?" She looked up and looked at him with hope.

He heard that his body was slightly stiff, but the next second he took her into his arms.

This long-lost warm embrace, Luo Qingyun's face clung to his chest, listening to his heart beating strong and powerful, as if to calm his heart like that.

There was a faint smell of cologne on his body, and she took a breath and entered her lungs, reassuring her.

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