CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 184: in danger

Chapter 184

Fu Muzhen probably did not expect to see Huo Xiwen here. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It's Miss Huo, why? You are also interested in red wine?"

"No, I'm here to see with my friends." Huo Xiwen replied.

"Friend?" Fu Muzhen seemed interested in her friend, with a playful expression on her face.

"It's a boyfriend." Zhang Junxian saw that Fu Muzhen's look at Huo Xiwen was a little different, and he stretched out his hand, grabbing Huo Xiwen's waist, and corrected.

Huo Xiwen was stunned by him like this, a little uncomfortable, and was struggling, but realized that the people at the scene were watching them, and she is indeed his girlfriend, so she did not push him away, just There was an awkward smile on his face.

"It turns out that Miss Huo is looking for a boyfriend, congratulations." His face smiled Hexi, and the congratulation seemed to come from the heart.

But Huo Xiwen felt a bit harsh in his ears.

"Thank you, since Mr. Fu is a friend of Xiwen, and Li Shao is my friend, can you please ask Mr. Fu to look at Xiwen's face, this time the bet is over." Zhang Junxian said at this time.

Originally, I thought Huo Xiwen was a bit of a thin face when he was here, and Fu Muzhen was not short of money. Seeing that he also wanted to give up, it was Li Xiang who killed himself, so he decided to gamble with him to the end. Now he uses Huo Xiwen to ask him to stop, he should agree.

But who knows, he just said it, but heard Fu Muzhen said, "I'm afraid this gentleman is misunderstood. My friendship with Miss Huo has not reached the entire value of Mr. Li."

His words suddenly made Huo Xiwen's face blue and white.

In fact, she also knows that the relationship between them is very shallow. Except for the inexplicable skin relative before him, and later his life-saving grace, the two of them did not have much real contact. Not only that, but at the beginning the two contact At that time, Huo Xiwen was even hostile to him.

But even so, she still felt very uncomfortable when he heard him say so.

At this time, Li Xiang knew that he was afraid to kneel here today, and a cold look appeared on his face. He took out his mobile phone, edited a text message, and sent it out.

At this time Fu Muzhen raised his hand and pushed the chips in front of himself to the table, "Stud."

At this time, Li Xiang had already had a hard time riding a tiger, so he had to bite the bullet and pushed out the chips in front of him.

The dealer issued the last card, and everyone held their breath, except Huo Xiwen.

She had no interest in this gambling game, so she left the lounge in advance, found a quiet corner to sit down, brought a glass of wine, and drank slowly.

She really doesn't drink and doesn't like to drink. The only thing she can drink is the red wine that has been mixed with Sprite. This way of drinking is still taught by a maid in her family.

But her drinking of such violent things is often rejected, saying that she has lost her status as a magnificent figure.

Also, it took hundreds of years for the Europeans to get the sugar out of the wine. As a result, you went down with a bottle of Sprite and put it all in.

In order to prevent others from despising her, basically, she rarely drinks.

In the villa hall, it was lively at this time, and the blind tasting auction has now begun. The host's voice was transmitted through the stereo to all corners of the room.

Huo Xiwen was so noisy that he simply walked out of the villa and came into the garden outside.

Seeing a gazebo in front of her, she was about to walk over to sit, but heard the voice of a man from the side of the garden, it seemed to be talking on the phone: "Li Shao rest assured, I have already made people ready, as long as the last name When they paid the villa, they would rush up to kill him. Rest assured, we must tell him to win your money and not spend it. "

After listening to this, Huo Xiwen covered his mouth in an instant, and quickly turned to run into the room.

At this point the gambling room in the lounge was over, and everyone gathered in the lobby waiting for the wine auction.

Huo Xiwen glanced around the hall, but did not see Fu Muzhen.

No way, she had to look for each room.

Only two rooms were found, and in one of them he was seen coming out of the bathroom.

Going forward, she said nothing and blocked his way.

Fu Muzhen saw her standing at the door and looked at her with a funny expression. "Miss Huo is something wrong?"

"Can you give him back the money that Li Shao won?" She asked.

"What? Your boyfriend did n’t talk, you just said it yourself? Do you have bad hearing or bad memory? Forget I said that your friendship with me is not worth that much money?" Fu Muyi's face There was a faint sneer and asked.

"What if the money can buy you?" Huo Xiwen looked at him with a serious look.

Fu Muzhen heard that, his expression changed slightly, but his tone was still light, "Why? Anyone want to kill me?"

"You shouldn't do that terribly, especially when you don't know who the other party is. Now Li Xiang has found someone to kill you. As long as you leave the villa, you will be dead." Huo Xiwen said.

"Haha ..." Fu Muzhen didn't worry about it. Instead, he smiled. "It seems that I haven't won him thoroughly enough. He actually has money to ask for a killer."

"Mr. Fu!" Huo Xiwen didn't know whether he was nervous or confident. It was time for this, but there was still a joke. "Let's start the police and let the police **** you home."

"Alarm?" This is not his style of paying Mu Mu. From childhood to large, others have arrested him more often. He has arrested others, but this has never happened.

"Don't you take it seriously? I personally heard that someone called and said that there would be no falsehood." Huo Xiwen felt that he had not paid much attention, and his voice was a little anxious.

Fu Muzhen looked at her anxious look, paused for half a second, and suddenly said, "You seem to care about me."

"I ... can't!" She didn't want to admit that she cared about him.

After all, in her own heart, Fu Muzhen was never a person who needed to be concerned.

"No?" He asked deliberately.

"I just because you once saved me, now it's my kindness." Huo Xiwen made a pretty good excuse for himself.

"That's it." Fu Muzhen heard the words, lowered his head and groaned for a moment, and then his bright eyes suddenly looked at her, "Then you go with me."

"Ah?" Huo Xiwen froze.

"Don't you want to pay me back? Come with me and block the bullets for me." Fu Muzhen said, regardless of whether she agreed or disagreed, and pulled her out.

Huo Xiwen was frightened, but he didn't struggle at all, letting his master grasp her slender wrist and walking out step by step.

Fu Muzhen seemed familiar with this place. Instead of taking her through the door, he pulled her away from the side door of the villa. The two had just stepped out of the front foot, but met another familiar figure at the door.

"Brother Brother, why are you here?" Huo Xiwen looked at Su Yinghao, who was about to enter through the side door, and was surprised.

When Su Shihao saw Huo Xiwen, he was obviously surprised, "Xi Wen ..."

He was about to ask her why she was here, but her eyes fell on the two hands that they held together, and she seemed to understand something.

"Get in the car first." Qiu Yan, the driver, pushed his head out of the window and urged.

Su Yinghao stepped forward, pulled the door, and let Huo Xiwen get in the car first, and then Fu Muzhen and the other two got into the car one by one.

The car started and headed for the city.

Huo Xiwen was sitting in Su Yihao's car, and she was full of doubts at this moment.

In the car behind him, Fu Muzhen was sitting on it.

"Brother Brother, what the **** is going on here, and how did you come to this place?" Huo Xiwen had too many doubts in his heart and couldn't help asking.

"Should you tell me first, what's the matter with you and Fu Muzhen?" Su Yanhao sat beside her, looking intently at her, and seemed to be interested in the matter between them.

"I talk to him ... nothing ..." Huo Xiwen explained weakly.

"Is that so?" Su Yinghao was clearly not convinced.

Huo Xiwen had no choice but to commit himself to being abducted in the United States and rescued by Fu Muzhen.

Of course, she never said anything about what happened to Fu Muzhen in China before.

Nothing else, I just find it difficult to talk about it, I don't know what to say.

"This kind of thing happened, why didn't you tell me?" Su Yinghao listened to Huo Xiwen, his expression was shocked.

"Things have been resolved, and I haven't told anyone. But brother, you haven't told me why you are here today."

"Someone called me and said that my ex-wife had found a new boyfriend and asked me to come and see." Su Shihao deliberately didn't say Fu Muzhen's name, his expression was meaningful.

"He's ... nosy, I can't find my boyfriend and ask him to talk." Huo Xiwen heard the expression, with an angry expression. However, soon she remembered something and looked at Su Yinghao, "No, how could you make a special trip over such a boring thing, and you are not so busy?"

Looking at Su Yanhao's expression again, obviously, the expression he had just made was obviously amused by her.

"Brother Brother, you've learned badly, and you're going to lie." Huo Xiwen grumbled, unhappy.

"Do you know why Fu Muzhen is here today?" Su Yanhao asked.

Huo Xiwen nodded. "To buy wine."

"Stupid girl, why are you still so naive. As chairman of Huo's Group, you don't even know that Pearl Group bought Li Group in the back?"

"What? Pearl acquired Li's?" She had never heard of it.

"Your information source is too single, so how can you be more effective in the business field? Today, Fu Muzhen won nearly one billion Li Xiang at the gambling table. Where do you think he will go to get so much money to pay back Gambling debt? "

"Sell shares?" Huo Xiwen only thought of this word in his head.

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