CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 200: Three drinks

Chapter 200

"So, it's the hero who saves the beauty, let Miss Huo move your heart?" Luo Qingyun joked.

Huo Xiwen blushed slightly, but shook his head, "No, I do n’t know when I started to like him anyway, anyway ... oh, I do n’t know, the problem is not that I like him, but that he does n’t Ken is with me. "

"Then I am willing to be with you, sister, stay with me, I will buy you a beautiful dress, and I will also buy you delicious." Tuan Tuan did not know when to throw away the toys in his hand, will His little head came together, his face vowed.

Luo Qingyun heard that, and couldn't help laughing and crying, "Why are you everywhere? Go and help sister Anna over there."

"No, Sister Anna can do it herself, without my help. Now this sister needs me more." Tuan Tuan said, walking to Huo Xiwen, opening his hands, and hugging her arms. "Pretty lady, you Don't be sad, Tuan Tuan will be nice to you. "

Huo Xiwen was given to Lei by this group of small love sages, but he still said to his face, "Thank you, group, but you are too young now. When you grow up, my sister is old."

"It's okay, I won't dislike you. Look at my mommy being so old, and I don't dislike her." Tuantuan patted his chest.

As a result, Luo Qingyun looked at him with a black line on his face, "Is it because they hate you? Also, where am I old? You are a stinky child."

"Mummy has become a scary witch again, so terrible ..." Tuantuan said, and Saya quickly ran away.

He Meixin looked at Tuan Tuan's naughty and lively appearance, envious, and couldn't help but say, "Tuan Tuan is so cute."

"Cute? Probably only you think so, this little smelly boy doesn't know who he is, too naughty." Luo Qingyun wanted to cry without tears.

Only she knew that her son was a demon side.

In particular, with Su Yihao's support, she was lawless, she couldn't fight, she couldn't scold, but she was sad.

"Children are like this. It ’s not normal to be naughty. I want a naughty child like this, but I'm afraid I won't have a chance in this life." He Meixin said, and he couldn't help but feel himself. Belly.

If it weren't for Mrs. Peng's push, she wouldn't have an abortion. Maybe she's a mother now.

Luo Qingyun knew that she thought of her strangling child, and she could not help but feel sour, and only comforted with a soft voice, "Meixin, don't be so pessimistic. Didn't the doctor try his best to save your womb? There will be a chance of."

"Qingyun, thank you. If it weren't for you, I might have been gone, not to mention the opportunity to be a mother in the future. Although the doctor said that in the future, my chance of having a child is very small, but I can have such a result, yes I do n’t have any regrets. ”He Meixin really appreciates Luo Qingyun. Without her, she does n’t know if she will die or live.

Even if he was barely alive, he was afraid that he would be killed by the Peng people.

Huo Xiwen heard them talking about Maxim, and couldn't help asking, "Yes, Maxim, what happened to your divorce case? What did the lawyer whom Qingyun asked you to do? Can you get a divorce smoothly?"

"Divorce is okay, but the lawyer said that I might lose a little money, but it doesn't matter. Even if I don't want the house, I'll be willing to divorce him," He Mei said.

Huo Xiwen nodded approvingly, "You are right to think so. You can make money again when you have no money. I have fired Peng Zhenxiang, and I have sent his blacklist to my peers in the industry. I believe he wants to work for a big company in the future. Apply, no one wants him. "

"Miss Huo, thank you," He Mei thanked.

"You're welcome, you take good care of yourself, and then come to work in the company, I will let you leave a good position." Huo Xiwen laughed.

He Meixin nodded, and a long-lost smile appeared on her face.

At this moment, she felt as if she stepped out of **** and greeted her with a bright future.

This is all from Bai Luo Qingyun.

She knows that Huo Xiwen spared no effort to help herself, 80% of the reason was because of Luo Qingyun.

She envied Luo Qingyun for having such a good blessing, marrying into the wealthy and meeting such high-quality friends, and secretly cheering herself up, believing that one day in the future, she can also live a life of comfort.

The three gossiped for a while. Anne and Anna had set up the house. The whole house looked cheerful and exudes a lively atmosphere.

When Su Yunhao was off work, he saw the house was lively, and his mood was instantly good.

At dinner, when everyone was seated, Huo Xiwen started to coax and listen to Su Yinghao's affectionate confession to Luo Qingyun in front of the big guy.

He Meixin and Qiu Yi clapped their hands in response.

Luo Qingyun was embarrassed, and shook his head. "Okay, don't make trouble, he has already confessed."

"Really? What did you say? We didn't hear it." Huo Xiwen laughed. "I really want to know what a man like my uncle would say."

"Cough ..." Tuantuan suddenly coughed twice, then leaned over the child's chair, grabbed Huo Xiwen's hand around him, frowned slightly, and looked at her affectionately, learning Su Yunhao's tone : "Qing Yun, there are still many obstacles that have not been cleared, so I ca n’t give you a grand wedding in China. After accepting this ring, from now on, you will be my wife Su Suhao, and I will do my best The greatest ability to protect you and our children from any harm, are you willing to accept it? This is what Dad said to Mommy. "



Su Yinghao and Luo Qingyun were petrified on the spot. How could they have never thought that when Su Yinghao proposed, that little guy was eavesdropping all the way.

Huo Xiwen also hesitated for half a second, and then laughed, "Hahaha, Tuantuan, you are so cute. I didn't expect that my elder brother would say such nasty words, hahaha ..."

He Meixin and Qiu Yan both laughed.

"And, there, and then Mummy said, I don't need a grand wedding, as long as I can be your wife." When Tuantuan Xue Qingyun talked, he also deliberately squeezed his throat, it looked very funny, one Time made the table laugh again.

Luo Qingyun felt embarrassed, and there was a hot feeling on his face.

"Qing Yun, you are so deceived, so you promised your elder brother that you forgot how much pain he had caused you before." Huo Xiwen felt that Luo Qingyun agreed too easily, and he was a little bit upset for her.

"Dare you say it, not for you?" Su Minhao glanced at her, joking.

Huo Xiwen nodded humbly and accepted, "Yes, yes, all blame me, my fault. In this way, I am punished by three cups, which can be regarded as atonement for you."

Speaking, without waiting for them to speak, he poured himself a full glass of red wine and drank it.

After two consecutive cups, Qiu Yue tried to stop her, but Huo Xiwen waved his hand, "Let me drink, I'm fine, I can drink. It's rare to be so happy today."

Seeing that she seemed to be hiding something else in her heart, Su Minhao turned to look at Luo Qingyun. Luo Qingyun opened her mouth and told him a name, "Fu Muyu."

Su Yanhao heard the words, she understood what she meant in a second, got up and walked to her, and took away the goblet in her hand.

"Brother, what are you doing? Today, but you and Qingyun's good days, can't you let me drink a few more drinks?" Huo Xiwen grumbled, a little unhappy.

"That's enough, you know how much you drink." Su Yanhao said, and Annie brought a glass of milk smartly at this time.

Su Yinghao took the milk and put it in front of Huo Xiwen. "If you are happy, you can drink milk."

"Huh, stingy." Huo Xiwen gave him a white look of dissatisfaction, but never insisted on drinking.

The crowd continued to eat and chat. It didn't take long for Huo Xiwen's wine to get up, and the whole person was lying on the table, still talking.

Luo Qingyun saw this and knew she was drunk, so she asked Aniana to help her sit on the sofa.

Everyone was eating and drinking at this time, because He Meixin was still hospitalized in the hospital, and it was not easy to come out for a long time, so Qiu Yi sent her back to the hospital.

Su Yinghao and Luo Qingyun watched paralyzed sitting on the sofa, muttering in their mouths that they didn't know what to say. Huo Xiwen, whose face was pink, had a headache.

"Otherwise, leave her here tonight? Or will you take her home?" Luo Qingyun looked at Su Shihao.

"What did Xiwen tell you today?" Su Yinghao asked.

"She said that she likes Fu Muzhen, but Fu Muzhen doesn't seem to accept her. This girl seems to be unrequited." Luo Qingyun replied.

Su Yanhao heard the words, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and dialed a phone number. "It's me, Xiwen is drunk. Come over and pick her up. I will send you the address immediately."

Without knowing what the other party said, he heard Su Yinghao silent for a while, and said, "If you don't come, I will throw her on the street."

After that, I hung up the phone.

Luo Qingyun looked at him, "Who did you just call? Why throw Xiwen on the street?"

"Fu Muyu." Su Yihao dropped these three words and turned around to explain to Annie how to take care of Huo Xiwen.

"Would you like to wake her up?" Luo Qingyun asked again.

"Boil what? Let Fu Muzhen go to boil, he's in trouble." Su Yanhao said, reaching out to embrace Luo Qingyun's waist, went to the rooftop garden, looking for fun.

"Is this really good for us? Will it be too irresponsible?" Luo Qingyun was still a little worried. In the end, Huo Xiwen was a girl. She always had an inexplicable distrust of Fu Muzhen.

"What are you afraid of? This is something between them. We are only in charge of watching the show." Su Yanhao said with a smirk.

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