CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 224: means

Chapter 224 Means

Su Yinghao lifted his feet and walked to the beach. Qiu Yan and Secretary Pan both found a table and sat down, ordering two cups of coffee.

"Secretary Pan is single now?" Qiu Yan looked at a professional dress, a long curly hair scattered around the shoulders, but with a variety of styles but with the cold and gorgeous temperament that is thousands of miles away, with an unsmiling face , Asked easily.

Secretary Pan raised her eyes slightly, her red lips tilted upwards, revealing a smile-like expression, "How did Assistant Qiu care about this?"

"It's rare to meet a beauty like Secretary Pan, and naturally I care more about this problem." Qiu Yue said a little lightly, but his expression was sincere.

"Assistant Qiu's mouth is really sweet, it must be very popular with girls." Secretary Pan did not answer his question, but instead subtly shifted the topic to him.

Qiu Yan heard the words and laughed, "I'm not sweet to anyone. I always like to tell the truth."

"Really?" Secretary Pan frowned slightly, but didn't continue.

"Of course, after all, it should be easy for you to be with the second son these years. As far as I know, the second son has a good temper and personality, and he is especially good to those around him." Qiu Yi tried to start again Her words.

Secretary Pan looked up at him with a sarcastic smile on his face, "I know what you want to say, you don't need to set me up here, what your boss wants to know, the second son will tell him, you still Drink coffee and wait here for them to finish talking. "

"Uh ..." One's mind was taken apart, and Qiu Yi smiled with a smile on his face. "Secretary Pan is really smart, but women who are too smart often make men scared."

"That only shows that the man was too weak to be a smart woman at all." Secretary Pan retorted casually.

"That is, if everyone is as strong as the second son, then Secretary Pan you will not be willing to stay with him for so long."

Secretary Pan heard his face change suddenly, "Assistant Qiu, don't make nonsense, between me and the second son ..."

"Secretary Pan, I don't have any special meaning what you are excited about." Qiu Yi saw this, and waved her hands to her calmly.

Secretary Pan felt that he had been fooled by him, but his reaction actually meant that there was no silver-two hundred here.

"Of course I know that there is nothing going on between you and the second son. The second son always has Qingyun in his heart." Qiu Qi suddenly said at this time.

Secretary Pan heard this and seemed to understand something. "It turned out that you said so much, but just wanted to confirm the status of Luo Qingyun in the minds of the second son. Why, until now, your boss is not so confident in himself, afraid Is the second son threatening him? "

"You're thinking wrong. You and I both know that Mr. Su and Qingyun managed to get to where they are today, and no one can break them apart. If there is still Qingyun in the second son's heart, it is only him who suffers.

"You can rest assured that even if someone like Er Gongzi suffers so much, he won't bother others."

Qiu Yi knew that Secretary Pan was not false. In these years, Su Qize did exactly that.

But the more he was like this, if Luo Qingyun knew the truth, he would be more uncomfortable in his heart.


At the seaside, the brothers were sitting side by side facing the sea, and a table in the middle separated them.

The distance in the middle is only a table, but it feels as if it is a few light years apart.

The sea breeze blew, waves rolled up, waves after waves, accompanied by huge sounds, into human ears.

The waiter brought the beer ordered by Su Shihao, and put it on the table. Su Shihao picked up the beer, took a sip, and looked at the horizon in the distance. The sunset was about to fall and the sky was dyed. A crimson.

On the beach, there are many hot blondes who wear colorful **** bikinis and lie on the beach enjoying the sunset.

"How's it? Does the beer here still suit your appetite?" After a long silence, Su Qize suddenly opened his mouth and turned to look at Su Yihao beside him.

"You called me here so far, not just to invite me to drink beer." Su Yinghao turned his eyes, looked back at his eyes, and asked.

Su Qize laughed, "You are really exactly the same as before, without any change."

"You are almost the same." Su Yinghao saluted.

"How long haven't our brothers been drinking together?" Su Qize asked.

"I remember, you haven't been able to drink."

"Yeah, the last time I drank with you, when we were five years old, we secretly drank Grandpa's whiskey, and he found out that he had given us both a hard lesson." Su Qize remembered the fun of his childhood, The smile on his face could not help worse.

"You remember the things that have been so long."

"I remember that one thing, and I don't remember anything after that." When Su Qize said this, the smile on his face gradually narrowed.

Yeah, after that, their brothers got sick one after another, first he, followed by Su Yihao.

But at the time, there was only one heart that could save lives. Originally, he was in front of him, but because of a word from Mr. Su, he finally caused Su Shihao, who had the disease, to perform a heart transplant first.

Since then, he began to resent Su's family, his grandpa, and his older brother, who had a better relationship.

He didn't understand why they were all grandsons of the Su family, but his life was behind Su Yihao.

He even didn't understand why Grandpa Su had only a grandson in his heart, but no grandson like Su Qize.

It was also because of this incident that his relationship with Su Yinghao gradually became distant, so that the two did not meet much in the future, and the memories were naturally very small.

"I heard your secretary say that your body has recovered. In this case, go home with me." Su Haohao didn't want to mention more about the things of that year. At that time, he was still young, just like Su Qize, what? I don't know. I can only let it be at the mercy of adults.

Later, he knew about this matter and knew that his destiny belonged to Su Qize. However, over time, coupled with Su Qize's alienation of his attitude, he had nothing to say, so he had to mention nothing.

"Going home? Are you sure you want to take me home?" Su Qize heard these two words with a somewhat ironic expression, and his bright eyes exuded a faint red light in the light of the setting sun.

"Yes, I'm sure." Su Yinghao said earnestly.

The smile on Su Qize's face widened, "Do you know the consequences of taking me home?"

"Know." How could he not know?

"Once I go back alive, Qingyun as my nominal wife, do you think you can continue to be together? And that child, his nominal father is me. Su Yunhao, are you sure you have the courage to face the world Eyes? Can you resolve Su's questioning of you? "Don't say it is Su Shihao, even Su Qize himself, I am afraid that he does not have the courage to face all this.

"I'll deal with these things, you don't need to care." Su Yunhao's voice was very firm. "If these are what I have to bear with Qingyun, then I will face them."

"Don't be stupid." Su Qize shook his head. "Do you think your mother would agree with you? Do you think Qingyun can get in the door of the mansion?"

"She doesn't have to go in. I'll live outside with her."

"Su Yanhao, should I say that you are naive or too optimistic? Aren't you not sure about your mother's methods? How did she survive these years? If you let her know the relationship between Qingyun and you, do you think Will she let her live and ruin your reputation? "Su Qize warned.

Su Yanhao heard the words and looked at him with a look of surprise, "What do you mean?"

"You probably don't know yet, did your father die?" Su Qize said.

Su Yunhao's expression suddenly became gloomy. His father's death was like a thorn in his heart, and no one dare to touch it easily.

"Speaking, you may not believe it. If I hadn't heard the driver in person, it would be hard for me to believe that there would be such a cruel woman in this world." Su Qize said, paused, and continued, "Your father eloped with the woman outside, and your mother didn't know it."

"What do you mean?" Su Yinghao frowned.

"Accurately, your father's elopement with that woman was a masterpiece created by your mother, my dear auntie. At that time, the auntie found that her uncle had an affair with other women outside, and had thought of ways to stop them from continuing Together. However, my uncle probably really loved the woman, so not only wasn't she broken up, but the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper. My uncle was planning a divorce, but for your sake, he didn't want to make things happen. I did too much, so I just mentioned this to my aunt, and I did n’t insist on leaving immediately. Later, my aunt was probably broken and knew that it was impossible to recover, so she wrote a letter to each of them, saying You can keep them together, but you have to give her everything in your uncle ’s name, including the position of Mrs. Su, and leave it to her so that they can leave. Uncle received the letter only if he was free. , So they took the car with their beloved woman and left, not knowing what they set foot on, but it was an uncle's way designed by their uncle's mother. "

When Su Qize described this passage, his tone was extremely calm, as if he was telling a long story.

Su Yinghao listened to his ear. Although the expression on his face did not change much, the clenched fist betrayed his excited heart at the moment.

He never dreamed that his father died in the hands of his mother.

Incidentally, what the mother showed in front of him was like an abandoned woman from beginning to end.

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