CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 239: If the next life

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 239

"That's it. It's unexpected. Miss Dang Huo's family will have a day of rejection." Zhang Junxian said, with a hint of irony in his tone.

Huo Xiwen heard that he was running on himself, but he didn't care, "What's this, some people in this world like you, some people don't like you, it's normal."

"Since he doesn't like you, why is he so concerned about your affairs?" Zhang Junxian asked suddenly.

Huo Xiwen heard the words, suddenly panicked, and hurriedly concealed, "Why ... how much he cares about me?"

"No? Since he doesn't care about you, then why is he playing tricks in front of you and provoking the relationship between us? Or is he just pretending that he doesn't like you and actually cares about you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, he can't mess with right and wrong, don't spill dirty water on others. In short, I warn you, if next time I find you use me again, the cooperation between us will be cancelled." Huo Xiwen was afraid he would continue Guessing down, knowing what happened between her and Fu Muzhen, she quickly ended the topic and warned him.

Zhang Junxian sighed, disappointed, "I said I didn't take advantage of you, you wouldn't believe it anyway, forget it, whatever you want, I'm too lazy to explain."

"Hello, I won't give it away." Of course Huo Xiwen wouldn't believe him, only glanced at him, stopped sending him forward, and turned back to the house.

Zhang Junxian looked at her back, and her expression gradually cooled down. He took out his cell phone and went out while making a call.


USA, Los Angeles, California.

After Xie Yue'e returned to China, Luo Qingyun's life became comfortable again.

Su Haohao has flown in the past two months to see her with the group less often, but the phone is still very frequent.

With the passage of time, the child in her stomach has also grown older. It has been more than seven months, and the due date is approaching.

That afternoon, she was lying in the room to rest. Suddenly the nanny ran in from outside, her face panicked. "Ma'am, it's bad, I'm fainted."

Upon hearing the news, Luo Qingyun was frightened to get up from the bed, leaned on his waist, and walked to Tuantuan's room.

When I went in, I saw Tuantuan lying on the bed, his face pale and unresponsive.

She stepped forward and patted his little face gently. "Tuantu, tutu, wake up, can you hear mommy talking?"

But Tuantuan didn't respond at all, and just lay there motionless.

Luo Qingyun was terrified, and immediately asked his servant to call an ambulance.

She went to the room to get her cell phone and called Su Yinghao.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered. She remembered that due to jet lag, it was early morning in City Y. Su Yinghao should be sleeping and did not hear the phone.

The ambulance arrived around fifteen minutes. The ambulance crew carried the group to the ambulance. Because Luo Qingyun was pregnant, she was not very convenient to move. She did not follow the ambulance, but was driven by a nanny. She was sitting in her home. To the hospital with the ambulance.

After entering the hospital, Tuan Tuan was sent directly to the rescue room, because when Luo Qing mica and his son were sent to Los Angeles, Su Haohao had contacted the private hospital and arranged his special attending doctor for Tuan Tuan. Therefore, after going in, the treating doctor directly took over the treatment.

Luo Qingyun was sitting on a bench outside the rescue room door, feeling anxious. She held her big belly in one hand while praying to the group, hoping that he would come out safely.

I do n’t know how long to wait, Luo Qingyun felt that her two legs were a little numb, and the attending doctor came out of the rescue room and walked in front of Luo Qingyun, and said to her, "The situation of the child is not optimistic. You have been paying attention, but the condition is not under control. "

"What should we do? What should we do? How can we save him? How is his condition now?" Luo Qingyun was so anxious that he grabbed the doctor's hand and asked.

The doctor pondered for a moment, and said, "The best way is to do a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible, and no one knows how long the child can wait. According to the deterioration of his current condition, there may be danger at any time."

"Is a transplant as soon as possible? But the child in my stomach has only been more than seven months ..." Luo Qingyun glanced down at his stomach, tears rushing in his eyes.

"Yeah, we don't recommend that your child be born prematurely, but now you have to save your son, I'm afraid you can only do so." The doctor gave his opinion.

"If you take the child out of my stomach now, will he be in any danger?" Luo Qingyun already had a plan to give birth to the child in advance.

"We have incubators and we have solutions for premature babies. Of course, the risks are definitely there, it's entirely up to you. IMHO, your eldest son is really urgent now."

"I see. Please help me. I have to give birth to the baby in my stomach in advance, and I must save the team." Luo Qingyun said, handing his mobile phone to the maid at his side, "marry, please Help me call my husband and tell him what's going on here. "

At this time, a nurse pushed the wheelchair over, let Luo Qingyun sit up, and sent her to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Luo Qingyun stroked his swollen belly with both hands, and said silently to the child in his stomach, "Baby, you must be strong, my brother is waiting for your life."

After Luo Qingyun was sent to the obstetrics and gynecology department, Marry took Luo Qingyun's mobile phone and started to call Su Yinghao's phone constantly.


When Yoshi Su got up in Y city, it was already half past seven.

Going downstairs, when he saw his cell phone that he forgot on the coffee table last night, he picked it up and took a look, and found dozens of missed calls from across the ocean.

All came from Luo Qingyun.

When he saw those phones, he suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Generally speaking, Luo Qingyun would never call him in the afternoon, because she knew he was resting and she would not disturb him easily.

But looking at the caller ID so many missed calls, it can be seen that the situation is very urgent, so I keep calling.

Is something wrong with their mother and child?

He didn't dare to think about it, and immediately called back.

The phone rang for a long time before being connected, and the voice of maid marry came from inside, "Hello sir ..."

"Marry, what happened? Why did you call me so many times?" Su Minhao asked immediately.

"Sir, I need you to come to Los Angeles now. Your wife has a cesarean section this evening to give you a daughter. Tuantuan will soon be undergoing a bone marrow transplant. His wife is still in a coma and she is not awake.

"Isn't Qingyun's due date two months away? What happened? Why did you give birth to the child ahead of time?" Su Yinghao heard this and immediately went upstairs to change clothes while asking.

"Tuan Tuan suddenly fainted in the afternoon and was taken to the hospital. The doctor said that his condition had deteriorated, so he needed a transplant as soon as possible. His wife decided to give birth to the child in advance ..."

"Stay in the hospital, guard my wife, I will hurry up as soon as possible." Su Yanhao dropped this sentence, hung up the phone, quickly changed his clothes and was ready to go out.

Before getting on the bus, he seemed to remember something again, immediately took out his cell phone, and made another call.

Connected, a low voice came from inside, "Hey ..."

"It's me. Qingyun is in the hospital now. I'm not with her. There is only one servant beside her. Can you go to the hospital and help me look at her?" Su Yunhao said.

The other party was silent for half a minute, and said, "The address was sent to me."

"Okay." Su Yunhao hung up the phone, edited the address with her mobile phone, and sent it over.

Then start the car and go straight to the airport.

On the way to the airport, he called Qiu Yan again and asked him to arrange a private jet to fly directly to Los Angeles.


A private hospital in Los Angeles.

Luo Qingyun woke up from his coma, and most of his body's anesthetic had faded away.

Opening her eyes, looking at the clean and comfortable ward, she realized that she was now in the hospital.

She reached out and tried to touch her belly, but accidentally touched the wound, and she frowned.

"Qing Yun, you're awake." In my ear, there was a sound that was somewhat familiar but not quite real.

Luo Qingyun followed the source of the sound, slowly turned his head, and looked aside.

With tears in her eyes, she saw a long-lost familiar face.

This face appeared countless times in her dream, but disappeared again.

She didn't expect that she would still be able to see her in her lifetime.

This extremely unreal feeling was intertwined with the pain in the wound, making her wonder whether she was in reality or in a dream.

"Qize? Is it you? Is it really you?" She was a little unbelievable, reaching out, trying to grab his hand to make sure that the man in front of him was alive, flesh and blood.

The big palm gently held her skinny little hand, and the smile on his face was as gentle as a smile: "It's me, Qingyun, don't be afraid, I'm by your side."

"How do you ..." Luo Qingyun had a lot of things to ask him, but when he reached his lips, he found that he didn't know where to start.

There was a pain in the incision on her stomach, which made her suddenly realize that she had just given birth to a child. "What about my child? Is she okay?"

"Rest assured, the child is very good, just because of premature delivery, and his body is a little weak. Now he has been sent to the incubator by the doctor. Don't worry." Su Qize's soft voice comforted her.

"What about Tuantuan? Is his operation in progress?" Luo Qingyun asked again.

"The doctor has taken the umbilical cord blood and is now undergoing transplantation. You just woke up and you are still very weak. Don't worry about the children, take a good rest first." Su Qize watched her for a while and worried about that, but she completely forgot herself It was the mother who had just given birth, and the incision on her stomach was still bright red, which made her distressed.

Luo Qingyun heard this, his eyes were hot, and tears escaped from it. "Qize, it's great to see you ..."

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