CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 243: Outrageous woman

Chapter 243

"Who's looking for?" He Meixin asked.

"Qize's mother, He Fen. I have something and want to give her." Luo Qingyun said.

"What is it?"

"When I left, Qi Ze gave me all the property in his name. Those things should not belong to me. I want to return them to his mother."

"So, how do you want me to help you?"

Luo Qingyun: "I have asked a lawyer to sort out all those documents and signed them. The lawyer will take those things to you, and hope you will help me send them to her house."

"Okay, give me her address, and I'll take care of it for you." He Meixin agreed.

"Thank you, Maxim."

"You're welcome, I'll wait for you to come back."

After the two had finished talking, He Meixin put down her phone, looked up, and was about to start working, but suddenly found that in front of herself, she didn't know when she was standing with a strange young woman. She was full of famous brands and dressed in flowery fashion. He opened his eyes and looked at himself.

He Meixin was startled and asked, "Who are you? Anything?"

The woman retracted her gaze and looked to the general manager's office, "Are you always Huo?"

"Yes, but who are you? Do you have an appointment?" He Meixin asked.

"An appointment? What's that?" The woman rolled her eyes, raised her head, and looked proudly. "Miss Ben is so big that she hasn't made an appointment yet."

Then, she lifted her feet and went inside.

Seeing this, He Mei stepped forward and stopped her. "Sorry, miss, if you don't have an appointment, I need to inform you to let you in."

"Let ’s go, do you know who I am? Actually dare to stop me." The other party did not expect that He Meixin would block his own way, and his anger rose suddenly, glaring at her.

"I don't know who you are, so I can't let you go in like this. Rather than tell me your name, I'll call President Huo ..." He Meixin tried to ask the other party's name.

But she hadn't finished speaking, but the other side stretched her hands arrogantly, and pushed heavily on her shoulders. He Meixin wore high heels on her feet, and she was pushed by such a sudden, her body took a few steps back and almost fell.

After holding her body, she looked up, and her heart was a little annoyed, and her voice became strong. "This lady, you are so rude, I will ask the security guard to invite you out."

"Call the security, okay, you can call it for a try, see if your security guards dare stop me." The other party said, stepped forward a few more steps, trying to break into the office.

Seeing this, He Mei blocked directly in front of the office and stood firm, but she was not allowed to enter.

The other person reached out and wanted to pull her away. Between the two, the office door was suddenly opened from the inside. When the woman saw this, she fell down on the ground and pointed at He Meixin, "You ... you dare Push me……"

"What's going on? Noisy?" Huo Jiabao stepped out of the office at this time and saw the two women at the door, immediately frowning.

He came out after hearing the movement outside the door. When he saw the woman sitting on the ground, his eyebrows tightened. "Floating, why are you here?"

"Jiabao, your secretary is too good. When people come to see you, she won't let it in. She even pushed me to the ground, ohh ..." The woman named fluttering said, she burst into tears.

He Meixin looked at the tears that came from her, and suddenly she was dumbfounded.

"General Huo, I didn't ... I just ..." She turned to Huo Jiabao, trying to explain to him that she didn't push her.

But Huo Jiabao glared at her, and said evilly, "He Meixin, are you blind? Don't look at who it is, you dare to treat people like this and not help them up."

He Meixin was shivered by his small heart, and she felt aggrieved, but it was obvious to her that no matter who was right or wrong in this matter, Huo Jiabao could not stand on his side.

After all, she is Huo Xiwen's good friend, and this alone is enough for Huo Jiabao to embarrass her everywhere.

Tolerating the unhappiness in her heart, she stepped forward and tried to lift the woman, but the other person glared at her, and did not reach out at all, but looked at Huo Jiabao with a pitiful look, "Jiabao, I don't want to let She touched me with her dirty hands, and you helped me up. What people said was because she wanted to see you.

When Huo Jiabao heard that, a smile appeared on his face immediately, and he took a step forward and stretched out his hand, "Aggrieved you, hurry up and see if there is no fall."

The woman held his hand, stood up from the ground, and fell into Huo Jiabao's arms, "Oh, my waist hurts a bit, maybe I just fell."

"Low back pain? That's terrible, then go to the hospital for X-rays. You wait ..." Huo Jiabao said, immediately turning to look at He Meixin, "Stupidly still? Why not call soon? Ambulance coming? "

As soon as the woman called for an ambulance, she waved her hand, "Oh, no need to bother, I'll just rest ..."

"How do you do? It ’s a big deal if you hit your waist. In case of a misalignment of the lumbar spine or other circumstances, there may be a big problem. Be good, obedient, go to the hospital." Huo Jiabao said, regardless of whether they want to, Just help her walk into the reception room aside.

He Meixin already picked up the mobile phone and dialed the ambulance. He walked to the reception room and said to Huo Jiabao, "General Huo, the ambulance will arrive within ten minutes."

"Okay, you are looking at Miss Zhang here." Huo Jiabao said, leaving.

Zhang Piaopiao saw this and immediately reached out and held him. "Jiabao, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll be right back." Huo Jiabao said, pulling his hand out of her, and raising his foot with a smile.

All of a sudden, the reception room became quiet again, leaving only He Meixin and Zhang Piaopiao with wide eyes.

"You, go and pour me a glass of juice. I want to squeeze it fresh." Zhang Piaopiao watched He Meixin stand aside and looked at herself like that, feeling a little upset, and said.

"Sorry, we don't have freshly squeezed juice here." He Mei answered blankly.

"No fresh juice? Why not even this?" Zhang Piaopiao looked at her exaggeratedly. "Aren't you too lazy to squeeze it?"

"Huo never drinks fruit juice, so the tea room is not equipped with a juicer." He Mei said.

"Then you go out and buy it, standing here is annoying." Zhang Piaopiao said.

He Meixin: "No, Huo always made me look at you."

"You ... I don't want you to look at it. You should be looking at the prisoner?" Zhang Piaopiao said, and stood up from the chair. "Go out, you go out for me."

"Okay." He Mei was anxious to leave, she didn't want to face her.

Turning out of the reception room, she was preparing to go to the elevator room to see if the paramedics came. When she passed the assistant's office, she saw Qian Jun coming out of it. "

"General Huo? He went to the bathroom." He Meixin replied.

"Bathroom? I just came out from the inside and didn't see him." Qian Jun said, and he walked towards the office.

He Mei felt surprised and looked strange, "Isn't he talking about going to the bathroom? Let Miss Zhang wait in the reception room."

"Miss Zhang? Which Miss Zhang?" Qian Jun heard and was curious.

"It's just a fluttering lady, a pretty lady, but she's very fierce," He Meixin described.

"Zhang Piaopiao? She chased here?" Qian Jun heard the name with an exaggerated expression.

"Assistant Qian also knows?" He Meixin felt that the woman's way of coming might not be simple, and she wentssiped in her heart and asked.

"This ... you want to know, let's ask President Huo, I dare not say it casually." Qian Jun refused to reveal mysteriously.

This further aroused the curiosity of He Meixin. She knew that Qian Jun was tight-lipped. Unless he was willing, he could not get any news out of his mouth, so he dismissed the thought, and only said, "I ’ll go See if the ambulance comes. "

"Ambulance? What's going on? Who was injured or uncomfortable?" Qian Jun heard and asked immediately.

"Miss Zhang said that she hurt her waist, so Huo told me to call an ambulance."

"Well ..." Qian Jun couldn't help laughing and said, "Thankfully he can figure out this way to send this Buddha away."

"Why? Huo doesn't like this Miss Zhang?" He Meixin heard a hint of inside information and immediately inquired.

"More than just dislike ..." Qian Jun shook his head, was he afraid of her?

"Otherwise, what else?" He Meixin asked.

"In short, if you see that Miss Zhang in the future, just stay away from her and don't have any contact with her." Qian Jun said, and reached out and patted her shoulder, giving her a "good self" look .

He Meixin just felt that he seemed to know what he had encountered that could not be avoided by the plague god. What is the source of this Zhang Piaopiao?

There was a sound of footsteps in the elevator room as they talked.

Several ambulance personnel carrying the stretcher came out of the elevator, saw He Meixin, and asked, "Is this the ambulance you called? Where is the patient?"

"Oh, it's us, come with me." He Meixin agreed, took the ambulance staff to the reception room, and saw Zhang Piaopiao sitting in a chair and looking down at his mobile phone.

He Meixin pointed at Zhang Piaopiao, who was playing with her mobile phone. “Hey, doctor, this lady, she said she broke her waist. Please take her to the hospital, take a picture of her, and take a look what is the problem."

Seeing this, the paramedics walked in front of Zhang Piaopiao, "Miss, can you walk on your own?"

Zhang Piaopiao heard the words and glared at everyone present, "I won't go to the hospital."

At this time, Huo Jiabao walked in from the door and saw the paramedics. He immediately said, "The doctor is here, fluttering, haven't you got hurt? Go to the hospital with the doctor."

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