CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 245: Entrusted

Chapter 245: Entrusted

He Fen opened the file bag suspiciously, and only saw the first page. Her face suddenly changed, and she looked up to He Meixin: "What does this mean? Why are these things given to me?"

"This is what Qingyun means. She now has a new life, so she has no reason to continue to enjoy the legacy left by her son." He Meixin explained.

"New life?" He Fen suddenly became excited when she heard these four words. "Where did she get my grandson? Let her hand over my grandson."

He Meixin did not expect that she would be suddenly emotional and agitated, and she said, "Aunt, the child is Qingyun's son. She has the right to start a new life with her child."

"But that is my grandson. She wants to live her life, but the child must give it to me. That is the only bloodline left by Qi Ze, and I will never allow him to leave." He Fen said toughly.

As a messenger, He Meixin felt a little embarrassed when he heard such words.

She can understand how He Fen wants her child, but she can better understand that Luo Qingyun is absolutely impossible to leave to He Fen.

Not to mention that Tuan Tuan is not the son of Su Qize, even if Luo Qingyun is a mother, he will certainly not be separated from his children.

However, she couldn't tell He Fen these words. After a moment of groaning, she said, "Aunt, you are also a mother. You should understand better than anyone what it feels like to be separated from one another. Do n’t do it to others. Qingyun just ca n’t be separated from the children, so I asked you to give these things to you. I hope you will be considerate of her. ”

He Meixin's remarks did not change He Fen's thoughts. On the contrary, a little anger appeared on her face. "Did you say what Luo Qingyun taught you? She is not ready Is it a new life? I have found a new man. Now that I have found a man, she can reproduce ten or eight without any problem. Why do you have to occupy our only child in Qize and refuse to let go? You are not her Friends? Then tell her for me, I will never give up on the child. If she wants to hide, she will hide forever, and it is best not to let me find her. "

"Auntie, in fact you ..." He Meixin wanted to persuade her, but He Fen didn't want to listen at all anymore. She suddenly got up from the sofa, turned to the aristocrat on the side and said, "Farewell."

He Meixin knew that it would be useless to say more, and if she wanted to come, if He Fen would change her mind so easily, then Luo Qingyun would not dare to reveal her face, and let herself return these things to her.

Since the other party had ordered a guest, she had to get up and go out with her.

When she walked out of the door, she was about to leave. Suddenly Guigui called her, "Please wait, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" He Meixin looked back at her.

"Since you are good friends with our younger grandma, then you must know where she is now, right?" Guiying said.

He Meixin knew that she wanted to ask herself about the whereabouts of Luo Qingyun.

But it was clear that she would not tell her.

Seeing He Meixin not talking, Guiyi said: "You don't have to be nervous, I just want to say, look at the lady you are dressed, and it is not a child born in a rich family. I think you may not understand the wealthy Things. For our wife, her son is gone, and her only hope now is the child of the young master. For that child, she can do it at any cost, do you understand? "

"I can understand Ms. He's mood, it's just ..." He Meixin sympathized deeply, after all, it was the world's most painful tragedy that sent white hair to black people.

"You can understand. As long as you are willing to tell us where Granny is now, I can guarantee that you will get a very generous return." Guixi hesitated.

He Meixin faintly heard the meaning in her words, and could not help but look at it.

But soon, she reacted and smiled slightly. "Sorry, although I am poor, I haven't reached the point where I want to sell friends for glory."

"You keep such a secret for her. It doesn't seem unreasonable for Grandma to come to you for a message." Guixi heard that, and a sneer appeared on her face.

"I have a closer relationship with Qingyun than my sisters and sisters, so I will not do anything to hurt her. I also understand that Ms. He wants to return to the grandson's mood, but since Qingyun does not want to give the child to her, There must be a reason. Rather than demanding it, why not fulfill her motherhood? "He Meixin persuasively said.

"This matter is not something you and I can just say a few words, it can be solved. Since you are not willing to tell the whereabouts of the young grandma, then I will not force you, but you just told your wife that the young grandma wants Living a new life, is she planning to remarry now, or has she remarried? "Guiyi asked again at this time.

He Meixin hesitated, not knowing whether she should say.

"How? Even this is unwilling to reveal? Now that she has made up her mind not to return the child, can she let us know what's going on with the child and her?" Gui Yan glanced over He Meixin's eyes, As if trying to see the answer from her hesitant look.

He Mei thought for a moment, and said, "Qingyun, she has indeed become someone else's wife, and the child recognizes that father. This is why Qingyun does not want to send the child back. She hopes that the child will be in a healthy Grow in the family. "

"Okay, I know." Gui Yan heard that and gave up to follow up with her other information about Luo Qingyun.

"Farewell." He Mei wanted to turn and leave.

"Wait a minute, can you please leave me a contact information, I will go back and persuade my wife, maybe she figured it out, and I will contact you at that time, so that you can give a message to the younger grandma." Guiyi said again.

He Meixin heard that she felt that there was nothing to refuse, so she took a business card out of the bag and gave it to Gui.

Guiyu took the business card, glanced at it, and his expression wrinkled slightly. "Secretary of the Huo Group ... Do you work at Huo Group?"

"Yes." He Mei nodded.

"That's interesting." Gui said meaningfully, closed the business card and watched her leave.

He Meixin left He Fen's villa, walked for a long time, went to the bus stop, got on the bus, and was ready to go home.

The cell phone rang. Huo Jiabao called and asked her to go to the golf course.


He Meixin had never played golf, and she did not know which direction the golf course was. She called Qian Jun and asked for the specific address. After following the precautions, she went home and changed into casual clothes and went to the golf resort.

Because the golf course is a membership system, He Meixin has never touched the club, let alone a member, so he was stopped by the service staff.

I called Qian Jun for help, and after waiting for a while, I saw someone at the front desk, whispered something to the staff over there, and put her in.

When he arrived at the stadium, from a distance, He Meixin saw Huo Jiabao warming up there, and seemed to be ready to take a shot.

Striding over, she saw that the people present, in addition to Huo Jiabao, had a familiar face, and Fu Muzhen and Fu Dabos were also there.

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