CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 276: Gossip

Chapter 276 Changing Gua

"Zhang Junxian, you are too despicable, is your only means?" Huo Xiwen suddenly hated his teeth and glared at him, said.

Zhang Junxian wasn't angry with her for scolding herself like this. Instead, he only smiled slightly, "You're wrong. It's not my only means, but to deal with you. This is the most effective way, isn't it?"

"You ..." Huo Xiwen was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"You thought you secretly let your mother go abroad, and I can't take you anymore?" Zhang Junxian stared at her lazily, as if watching her own prey.

Huo Xiwen's expression was startled, but he did not expect that he already knew about her mother's going abroad.

"Strange? You shouldn't be so naive, think I'm so relieved of you, right?" Zhang Junxian said, laughing.

"You arranged someone in my house?" Huo Xiwen suddenly realized this.

"To be precise, some of the servants in your family are too poor and need money too much. I happened to know this and helped them." Zhang Junxian corrected.

"You are so shameless." Huo Xiwen cast aside.

"No way, who made you so bad?"

"Let's say, what on earth do you want to let go of Huihui?" Huo Xiwen didn't want to waste any more words with him and asked.

"It's very simple. When we get married, we will let her go." Zhang Junxian answered.

"Marry? Isn't that still waiting for half a year? Are you crazy?" Huo Xiwen gritted his teeth.

Zhang Junxian heard and nodded in agreement. "It's really a long time for half a year. I can't give her sleeping pills all the time. It's better to do that. I have long sleepless nights. Tomorrow's engagement banquet will be changed to a wedding banquet."

"What did you say?" Huo Xiwen heard that, and suddenly felt bad for the whole person.

Generally speaking, the high society does things and pays attention to process etiquette.

Unless special circumstances, they usually choose to get engaged before marrying.

It doesn't get married directly.

Now Zhang Junxian proposes to marry directly, so she doesn't even have time to buffer. After tomorrow, she signed and got married, they are legal couples.

"How? You feel bad?" Zhang Junxian asked with a deliberate frown. "Don't you worry about your friends? I heard that there are too many sleeping pills and the side effects are great. I'm worried she will not wake up one day." . "

"You ..." Huo Xiwen knew that he had settled himself, but he had nothing to do with him.

"Don't be angry, you won't be beautiful when you are angry." Zhang Junxian reached out and squeezed her face.

Huo Xiwen knew that she had no choice at all now, she took a deep breath, calmed herself, and stared at him with a pair of water eyes, "How do I know if you lie to me? In case I marry you, you Don't let people go? "

"In addition to believing that I won't lie to you now, are there any other options?" Zhang Junxian looked at her ironically.

Huo Xi was speechless, her face became unsightly, and she was shaking with anger.

Zhang Junxian smiled and said, "You can rest assured, I promised that you would let her go, you would definitely let it go. After all, this girl doesn't make any sense to me."

"If you dare to keep your word, I will never let you go." Huo Xiwen threatened him with gritted teeth, then pushed the car door and got out.

At this time, Zhang Junxian stuck his head out of the car window, and said to her back, "I will have someone send the wedding dress early tomorrow morning. I will go to bed early tonight and keep my spirits up."

When Huo Xiwen heard his voice, he immediately felt disgusted, quickened his pace, and quickly entered the room.


It was almost a night without sleep. The stylist came to Huofu early the next morning and started dressing for her.

The stylist was very surprised to see Huo Xiwen's embarrassed look, but fortunately, she was naturally beautiful and well-maintained on weekdays. Therefore, her skin is good and it is not difficult to put on makeup.

The wedding dress was also delivered as early as possible, put on good makeup, and put on a white wedding dress. Huo Xiwen looked at himself in the mirror, but it was difficult to show a smile on his face.

If this white sand was worn by Fu Muzhen, that would be great.

Why have you worked hard for a long time, but still want to marry Zhang Junxian?

Is it really impossible to escape his fate?

She was a little reconciled.

"Miss Huo? Miss Huo ..." The stylist watched as she stared at herself in the mirror for a moment, then reached out and shook her.

Huo Xiwen looked back, looked at the stylist, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to wear jewelry for you, please sit back in your chair," said the stylist.

Huo Xiwen heard the words, and obediently sat back on the chair, just like a marionette, at the mercy of others.

When she was well dressed, the bride's wedding car had come downstairs.

None of Huo's relatives and friends notified her. The only Huo Jiabao who knew about it was not willing to participate because she was so angry that she did not show up.

The Huo family, which should have been lively at this time, except Huo Xiwen, was the only one besides the servants.

Without the blessings of relatives and friends, she was wearing a veil, carrying a skirt and slowly going downstairs.

Downstairs, Zhang Junxian was in a white suit, and Yushu was standing in the hall waiting for her.

Watching her go downstairs, although her veil covered her face, but now faintly, Huo Xiwen's originally beautiful little face became more mysterious and beautiful at this moment, making people look away.

"It seems that you really don't like me. On such a great day, no relatives or friends were present." Zhang Junxian held Huo Xiwen's hand, asked her to hold her arm, and pressed her mouth to her ear.

"You know, a marriage without elder blessings will not last long." Huo Xiwen gritted his teeth in return.

"Really? I never believe these things. You better not believe it. After all, I never intended to divorce you." Zhang Junxian said, a proud smile on his face, and led her outside the door. Go on.


At this wedding, the Zhang family spent money to wrap up the entire Lead hotel, which was very arrogant.

The wedding reception was set in the hotel's outdoor garden.

At 11 noon, the guests came to the scene one after another. Everyone thought they were coming to the engagement ceremony. But when they arrived at the meeting place, they saw the arrangement and the introduction of the staff at the scene, and they understood that it was a wedding.

Su Haohao originally wanted Luo Qingyun to appear with himself, but considering that he was not accepted by Mrs. Su's house, Luo Qingyun declined his offer and chose to go to the scene with Maxim.

Su Yunhao knew her scruples, and there would be a big action here today. He was afraid that Luo Qingyun would be too close to himself, but would be in danger, so he did not force her.

In the morning, after Luo Qingyun dressed up and dressed up, he gave Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to Wu Yan, and Su Suhao's driver took her to Maxima, received Maxim, and the two went to the Lead Hotel together.

When they arrived at the hotel, the two got out of the car and were about to go in. He Meixin, who had sharp eyes, suddenly found a familiar car.

Taking a closer look at the license plate number, she immediately knew who was on board.

"Qing Yun, wait for me here, I'll go over there, and come back immediately." He Meixin turned her head to explain to Luo Qingyun, and then she lifted her feet and went to the parking lot on the side.

When she reached the white Ferrari, she tapped the window glass gently.

After a while, the window dropped, Huo Jiabao's awkward face appeared in front of He Meixin, "What are you doing?"

"General Huo, since you are here, aren't you going to take a look at the scene?" He Meixin looked at him with amusement and asked.

"What to look at? What's so good about that? The dead girl didn't listen to me, and sooner or later she cried." Huo Jiabao said unhappyly.

He Meixin heard the words, covered her mouth and smiled, "It seems that you still care about Miss Huo. As far as I know, the Huo family did not come alone except for Xi Wen himself. You, as Xi Wen, Brother, if you do n’t attend, the Zhang family will not even look at Miss Huo in the future. "

"That's what she deserves," Huo Jiabao said.

"Well, she deserves it, but you are also her brother, so you can't help but care about her? After all, she will be bullied and lose your Huo family's face. Why don't you show up in front of everyone? , In the presence of everyone, warn the boy carefully, so that he is good to Xi Wen. "He Meixin advised patiently.

Her remarks eased Huo Jiabao's face slightly. "Don't think you say that, I will go."

"Hey, aren't you really going? That Xiwen is so pathetic. He got an engagement and no relatives around him. Even Mrs. Huo wasn't there." He Meixin sighed deliberately.

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