CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 281: Crash

Chapter 281

Luo Qingyun was returned to the villa, and Su Yunhao drove to the Security Bureau.

Because Zhang Junxian was arrested thanks to the evidence and information he provided, the director of the Security Bureau said nothing about his arrival and immediately took him directly to his office.

The secretary sent tea in, and Director Song asked Su Shihao to take a seat, and then asked, "Mr. Su, come to me. Is there anything else to say?"

"Secretary Song, there is a very urgent situation about Zhang Junxian. I have received news that Zhang Junxian is now kidnapping a person with a special identity. Her brother is a senior member of the International Anti-Terrorism Alliance. It involves a lot. If you ca n’t rescue the hostages in a timely manner, I believe you do n’t need to say that you also understand how serious the consequences are.

Director Song did not expect that the news he sent would be such a sudden, the whole person was shocked.

He said nothing, picked up his cell phone, and dialed a phone. "Yang Gang, Zhang Junxian has been sent to the interrogation room now? He has also abducted a person. You must first find out the address of the hostage. Move quickly. Call me as soon as there is news. "

Director Song finished, and hung up the phone.

"Director Song, are you sure?" Su Yinghao looked at him at this moment and asked.

Director Song had a dignified expression. "Rest assured, we will save the hostages."

Neither of them spoke at this time, sitting quietly in the office, waiting for news from the interrogation room.

About half an hour later, Director Song's cell phone rang. After being connected, Yang Gang's voice came in. "Song Bureau, Zhang Junxian asked who told you the news, and he wants to see this person. See this person Before, he wouldn't say anything. "

"So you didn't ask for any valuable clues for a long time?" Director Song was annoyed.

"No, that guy would not say anything." Yang Gang said.

Director Song hung up the phone and looked up at Su Yanhao in front of him. "Mr. Su, the problem is a bit complicated now. Zhang Junxian asked and wanted to see you."

"He wants to see me?" Su Yinghao was a bit surprised. Did this guy leave a back road for himself?

"Yes, you can refuse if it is not convenient." Director Song said.

"No, I can go to see him. It just so happens that I need to verify with him." Su Shihao immediately decided to go to Zhang Junxian for a while.

Director Song heard that and nodded toward him, taking him to the interrogation room downstairs.


The interrogation room had no windows and was not very bright.

Zhang Junxian was handcuffed on his hands and feet, sitting on the interrogation chair. On his head, there was an incandescent lamp, a cold white bald head, shining on his face, matched with his dazzling white In a suit, his original white complexion was completely bloodless.

Su Yinghao walked into the interrogation room, and the people inside retreated.

As soon as the two met, Zhang Junxian laughed. "Su, it's you."

"Who do you think it will be?" Su Yinghao's face smiled coldly, and he walked up to him and looked at him condescendingly.

"Yes, it's you who is normal. Other people really shouldn't be here." Zhang Junxian said, leaning back, changing to a comfortable posture, leaning on the back of the chair.

"Say, where are you being held by you?" Su Yunhao didn't want to talk nonsense to him, Fu Huihui was found later, and her danger was one point higher.

"What's the matter? Rest assured, she can't die without my orders." Zhang Junxian smiled easily. "Again, you don't really think that you ask such questions casually, I will tell you, right?"

"You said you wanted to see me. Is there anything you want to tell me?" Su Yunhao knew he would not tell himself the answer so easily, so he had to accompany him around the corner first.

Zhang Junxian didn't speak immediately. He turned his head to look at the huge double-sided mirror on the side and stared for half a minute before slowly opening his mouth. "You said, how many eyes are behind us now looking at us ? "

"Is that important? You are already one of them, afraid of being stared at?"

"That's right." Zhang Junxian nodded. "Well, I won't circle you, you want to know the whereabouts of that girl, I can tell you, but you have to agree to my conditions."

"What conditions?" Su Yinghao asked quickly.

Zhang Junxian stared at him closely and said, "Let me go."

Su Yinghao heard this condition and couldn't help laughing, "Do you think I can promise you?"

"Of course you can't, but they can't do it any more. However, you can spread the news that Fu Huihui was abducted by me to the United States. I think that people over there should not sit idly by. There are people over there. Under pressure, the government wants to let go of people, but it's all difficult. "Zhang Junxian's face was bound to be obtained.

Su Yinghao listened to his wishful thinking, but he knew very well that his method really worked.

Just let him go?

how is this possible?

"I know that you have a good relationship with Fu Muzhen. His sister is still so young, I don't think you'll watch her die, right?" Zhang Junxian didn't say anything to Su Suhao, thinking he would not agree to his own conditions , Simply threatened.

"I can agree to your request, but before that, you must answer me a question first." Su Yinghao thought for a while, said.

"What question, you ask." Zhang Junxian was easy.

"That time, after you contacted Xi Wen to rescue Mu Mu in Africa, and Xi Wen contacted the anti-terrorist alliance, did you disclose the news that someone would rescue Fu Mu Wu to the terrorists there?" Su Yan Hao asked.

Zhang Junxian heard the words, his expression froze for a moment, then immediately understood, and laughed, "Why? Is Fu Muzhen not rescued? Or, you haven't heard from him at all?"

After hearing such a question, Su Yinghao probably understood that perhaps Zhang Junxian didn't do that.

After all, it was too risky for him to do that. If he was not careful, he might play himself too.

"Su Yinghao, tell Huo Xiwen, I promised Fu Fu Mu to save him, but unfortunately, Fu Mu Fu was short-lived and he couldn't survive, which is no wonder to me." Zhang Junxian said.

Su Haohao got the answer he wanted, no longer staying, he turned to leave the interrogation room and went to the monitoring room next door.

Director Song was in the monitoring room at this time, watching every move in the interrogation room.

"Director Song, Zhang Junxian's request you heard. He hopes you can let him go." Su Yanhao saw Director Song and said.

"Mr. Su, Zhang Junxian, he is suspected of terrorist activities. You know, the government and the terrorists do not negotiate." Director Song's expression was very dignified, and he absolutely did not accept any threats.

"I know, I mean, can you pretend to have released him, you can control the scene in advance, wait for the hostage to be rescued, and then get him back." Su Yinghao thought for a while, said.

"This ..." Director Song was a little embarrassed.

"That person is of U.S. nationality and is a member of a high-level counter-terrorism alliance. If you don't save it, have you thought about the consequences?" Su Minhao reminded him.

At this time, Director Song turned to look at a middle-aged man beside him, "Captain Yang, are you sure?"

"Song Bureau, I think Mr. Su's words are not unreasonable. We must save the hostages anyway. This Junxian wants to run away from us and see if he has his life." Captain Yang Gang is full of confidence, he believes Even if Zhang Junxian was released, he could be picked up in minutes.

When Director Song heard this, he also had a bottom of his heart, and nodded. "Then you quickly order the people below to deploy, and talk to Zhang Junxian about the details. Remember, the hostages must be rescued and the prisoners must bring me back. "

"Yes, Director." Yang Gang agreed, performed a military salute, and turned out of the monitoring room.

Su Yinghao and Director Song later stepped out and walked towards the exterior of the corridor.

Next, because it involved operational secrets, Su Yunhao did not participate. He had to go home first, rest assured that the Security Bureau had news.


The next morning, early in the morning, Su Yinghao just woke up and received a call from the Security Bureau to inform him that the hostage Fu Huihui had been rescued safely and was taken to the hospital for treatment.

When he asked about Zhang Junxian's situation, the other party's answer surprised him.

It turned out that during the hostage rescue operation last night, Zhang Junxian proposed that he leave by helicopter and warned them not to follow.

Because of all the precautions he made in advance to ensure foolproofness, he agreed to his request.

After the rescue team member rescued Fu Huihui, the notice immediately arrested Zhang Junxian and sent a good helicopter to intercept Zhang Junxian from all directions on the ground.

As a result, Zhang Junxian stubbornly resisted. When the plane flew to the sea, he chose to crash to escape the hunt, and finally the plane destroyed people.

When Su Yanhao heard the words "machine destroys people," he didn't know why, but a strange feeling rose in his heart.

As if Zhang Junxian chose to flee this way, not to escape, but to die for it.

He is not the kind of person who will choose to die actively.

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