CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 337: Fierce and not pretty

Chapter 337 Fierce and Not Beautiful

"Do you mean to slander you?" Lianhua looked at her suspiciously and asked.

Zheng Baozhu wrote with injustice on his face: "Yeah, don't be fooled by that stinky boy, he's a ghost."

"He's only five years old, what do you know?" Lianhua was not convinced. From her observations during this period, Tuantuan was a simple childish fart child who was extraordinarily fond of beauties. He could not be malicious to Zheng Baozhu. .

"What does it mean to lie to you? He has such a powerful mother. Do you think he can play tricks?" Zheng Baozhu looked at Lianhua somewhat uncomfortably.

Bai Cihui didn't believe her, even if lotus root and her were comrades-in-arms, they didn't even believe her, it was horrible.

"I'm not saying that you lied to me. Forget it, it doesn't matter. In short, your performance has upset your wife today. I guess she has a new perspective on you. You should still be careful in the future and don't mess around again. .Tuan Tuan is her heart now, and no one dares to treat him. "Lian Hua warned her.

"Do you think I don't know? I didn't do this to please the little fart boy, so I played with him with marbles. Who knows he even put me together. It's awful, don't let him fall into my hands in the future, Otherwise, I will certainly not let him go. "Zheng Baozhu said fiercely.

After listening to her, Lianyi sneered, "Wait until you can actually enter the door of Su's house and become the hostess of Su's house, and then say the same thing. Now Luo Qingyun has seen the young master, who knows what she will do next What will you do, do you have a plan? "

"Brother Hao Hao couldn't remember her at all. She appeared in the hospital today. When Brother Hao Hao saw her, there was no reaction at all, so there is no need to worry about her now." Zheng Baozhu passed the scene in the hospital today. After meeting, my confidence increased a lot.

Mainly, after discovering Su Yihao's strange feeling to Luo Qingyun, she had the illusion that she had transposed with Luo Qingyun, and she felt that she had replaced Luo Qingyun and occupied her in Suzhou. The position in Yun Hao's mind. Now Luo Qingyun appears to Su Shihao like himself.

It ’s really interesting. Now Luo Qingyun, finally, can have a good understanding of his own mood.

Deeply in love with a person, but that person's heart is completely absent from her.

Looking at her proud expression, Lianyin reminded coldly, "Don't forget, the doctor said that the memory loss of the young master may not be permanent. If one day he remembers it, then you will Do you think the situation will be as it is now? "

Zheng Baozhu was a little complacent. Lotus's words were like a bucket of ice water, which instantly calmed her down. "What should I do? I can't make Brother Hao Amnesia forever."

"The best way is to make a quick decision. If you can cook mature rice with Grandpa and become the grandmother of the Su family, then even if Grandpa thinks about his relationship with Luo Qingyun in the future, it wo n’t help. As long as he doesn't divorce, he will always be his wife, "said Lotus.

"Cooked rice cooked with raw rice? Do you mean ... are you married?" Zheng Baozhu began to shine in his eyes at this time.

"It's up to you to do it yourself. You can do whatever you want."

"But on the side of Aunt Cihui ... she seems very angry today. If I hurriedly made a marriage request, I'm afraid she wouldn't agree ..." Zheng Baozhu still had some kind of mercy in her heart.

She always felt that Bai Cihui's attitude towards her was completely different now, although she agreed to lie to Su Yihao with her, but her attitude towards herself was much colder, not as warm as before.

"Mrs. you do n’t have to worry about it. Do you forget how Luo Qingyun entered the gate of Su family? The key to whether you can be the grandma of Su family is not the wife, but the young master. In short, you only need to get it After the young master, let him nod, then this thing will happen. "

Lianhua's words made Zheng Baozhu realize that she just wanted to get support from Bai Cihui.

It seems that we still have to seize Su Yinghao's heart.

But Su Yinghao only woke up for a few days because she forcibly added the relationship between them as unmarried couples to his cognition, so that Su Yinghao always had a good attitude towards her.

But it's just good, they didn't move too closely.

When confronted with her, Su Yanhao was more restrained by reason, not like treating her lover at all. On the contrary, she was facing away from a friend who was not familiar with her.

Zheng Baozhu thought about it, and seemed to have an idea in his heart, and said to Lotus: "I know what to do."

"Well, it's getting late, then you go back first. I'll go and talk to you in front of my wife. You don't need to be too concerned about today's things." After finishing her talk, she watched her leave, and then turned around. Back in the villa, went upstairs to find Bai Cihui.

At this time, Bai Cihui was not in his room, but in the group's room, telling him the bedtime story.

Tuantuan leaned in Bai Cihui's arms, her head resting on her arm, her expression was very comfortable, "Grandma, Mum, will she come back to see me and my sister?"

"Why did Tuan Tuan miss Mom again? Didn't Grandma tell you? Grandma would take care of you and hurt you more than Mummy. Isn't that good?" Bai Cihui was a little afraid of facing Tuan Tuan's problems, she didn't know How to answer it, so as not to hurt the young mind of the child.

For Luo Qingyun, she is determined not to accept it anymore.

No matter if she lives in Koff or not, she is afraid to let this woman enter the door just because of Su Shihao's attitude towards her death.

This time Su Yinghao was lucky and escaped, but who knows if he will be so lucky next time?

She also never dreamed that her ruthless son would be for a woman and even lose her life.

Such a woman in ancient times was a wicked evil that brought disaster to the country and the people.

It just happened to be met by her son in modern times.

"Grandma hurts Tuan Tuan, but Mommy also hurts Tuan Tuan. Tuan Tuan hopes that both Grandma and Mummy are there." Tuan Tuan blinked innocently with big eyes, and said to Ci Ci earnestly.

"But Tuantuan, many things in this world are not so perfect. You are still young and you don't understand. Sometimes we always face choices. Fish and bear's paw can't have both. When two things can only be chosen the same, then Of course, I can only choose one that is more beneficial to myself. "Bai Cihui taught patiently.

"But grandma and mommy are nothing." Such a metaphor is not quite right in Tuantuan's view.

But his words made Bai Cihui look embarrassed. After all, saying that they were not things, it sounded like a curse.

"Grandma, can't you let that aunt come to our house in the future?" Tuantuan said suddenly.

"What's wrong? You don't like her?" Bai Cihui asked.

Tuantuan nodded: "She's fierce, and she's not pretty."

Bai Cihui heard the words and frowned, saying that Zheng Baozhu was fierce. She believed it. After all, that girl didn't like children, so her attitude towards children might not be so kind.

But if she's not pretty, she can't understand.

According to Tuan Tuan's aesthetics and his love for beauties, like Zheng Baozhu, he should like it very much.

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